Have you ever felt completely hopeless??


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2012
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Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt that things were just completely hopeless? When the thing that you really wanted to do has started to seem less and like an option and the thing that you really do not want to do has started to seem like the only option?:confused: I am having one of those moments. (I am one of those people who doesn't like to reveal very personal information on the web for all to see, so if things are worded a little awkwardly, sorry.) I really want to continue doing something that I have been studying for 2 years and really love, but now, unless I pass a very important exam, I must do something else. You may not understand, but I really, really want to continue studying this, but because of the you pass and continue or fail and do something else, I am starting to wonder if I should give up or not. I really have mixed feelings on this. I do not want to give up, and yet I do. (big frustrated sigh):sigh: I don't know what to do!!!!:eek:

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I'm sorry, but, I'm confused. Do you only have one try at this test and if you fail then its basically game over?

Gonzo's Hobbit

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Dec 21, 2009
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I would say don't give up on it. If you give up you loose out on it either way. I'd say take the test and see what happens. Who knows you might continue on. But if you give up you definitely won't.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Yeah, not necessarily the kind of situation that you're describing (and because you're not sharing all of the details, which is perfectly understandable, I don't know what exactly it is you're wanting to keep on doing, but I say if it's something you're that passionate about, that you should continue to pursue it), but there have been times where I've felt like grubs under rocks are above me, there have even been times where I've felt like there's really no reason that I should exist because I really do nothing to contribute to society, and pretty much take up space, what do I have to live for, the world would be normal for everybody without my being in it. I'm not talking suicide or anything, but I have had some moments where I've wished I've never been born, though unlike It's a Wonderful Life or IAVMMCM, I doubt a guardian angel is going to show me what life would be like without me, because I'm sure there really wouldn't be much of a difference... it may have even been better for all I know.

But don't feel like you're alone, everybody, at one point or another, goes through rough patches where they feel like nothing is going right, or nothing they do turns out the way they want to...

Just remember this, an old saying a wise person once told me: it's no use feeling sorry for yourself, because there'll always be those out there who have it worse off than you do.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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My personal motto: Things can ALWAYS get worse.

That doesn't mean I stop. I agree with Snowth and others here: if whatever this career is has you that heart-enthralled...go for it. Don't say fail until you actually have failed; and don't expect you'll fail. Is there only one shot at this exam?? I know of NO profession where you can't study more and re-take an important test, ex CPA, the legal bar, the doctor's licensing exams, even exams to get into Julliard. Don't freak over one little test. Study hard, give it your best, and if you don't pass, try again as soon as they'll allow you to.

Dreams shouldn't be given up; maybe postponed, or forced to share space with "real jobs", but never abandoned if they're that important to you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
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I don't completely know your situation, which I can definitely understand you not leaking much, but I would say don't give up. If you fail the test and have to quit, I imagine you'll probably be pretty miserable and upset, but if you give up I imagine you'll be pretty miserable and upset anyhow. And you'll always be thinking about that what if you did make it. That you may have but instead you gave up. If it is something you're really passionate about, you need to persevere and keep on moving forward. The saying goes, it is better to aim high and miss than to aim low and hit. Aren't you better off trying and then failing than to give up and make your lowly goal of something you're not passionate about?

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Wow, I've never heard of such a thing. But I agree. If you don't try, you will never know. Sorry I'm not much help. Me giving advice on this would be the blind leading the blind :/


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
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Dreams shouldn't be given up; maybe postponed, or forced to share space with "real jobs", but never abandoned if they're that important to you.
Perfectly put. As I said somewhere else around here recently, I have reason to believe that if someone does give up, it never really was a dream to start out with. Dreams are something that are so powerful that they keep you going no matter what. Really, when you think about it, whaddaya have to lose? We're all eventually going to pass on from this world at some point, some half sooner than others *cough*Sgt. Floyd*cough*, and we'll lose all our stuff on earth anyhow. I think people are meant to dream, not just to do some lousy job that they have no interest in.