Is The New Fraggle Rock Movie Such a good Idea?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
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it was really funny to see this thread pop up again. I think this was my first thread ever.
But my point was. A theatrical Fraggle movie. I don't know if it's such a good idea. Who's going to see it? (Beside us Muppet Fans) How many people off the street know what a Fraggle is?
Lots of people who were born in the 70's and 80's grew up watching Fraggle Rock.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2008
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I'd have tp throw my vote in the pool for a Fraggle Rock movie being a bad idea. Tis true, a small part of me would love to see the Fraggles return in today's world. And as I've said many times before, our messed up world could certainly use the lessons and wisdom that were scattered throughout the Fraggle Rock series. However, at the end of the debate is the simple fact that Fraggle Rock ended in a nearly perfect matter (IMO, the only thing imperfect about it was that it ended at all). There's simply no need to risk ruining the legacy of Fraggle Rock by putting out a movie that (let's face it) not many people will see or appreciate. What if the movie is terrible? It would tarnish the greatness of Fraggle Rock forever. And that's not even to mention how they could pull off a quality Fraggle Rock movie without all the original components that made the series so wonderful... Doc & Sprocket, The Gorgs, Doozers, all the original voice actors and puppet performers, the original writers... These things were the heart and soul of Fraggle Rock and not all of them would be willing or even availble to participate in a FR film for various reasons. Perhaps if it were twenty or even fifteen years ago, the possibilities of a Fraggle Rock movie might be more appealing. Nowadays, it just doesn't make sense to me (and apparently doesn't make that much sense to the powers that be as the film has been stalled in limbo for years). The high cost of puppet builds, the inability to bring together the key components to the franchise for a film, and the risk of damaging what was a wonderful (even if it was little known) reputation and legacy of Fraggle Rock. It just doesn't pay to resurrect the Fraggles in film for now. Not everything from the 70s and 80s needs or should have a reboot just because hollywood can't come up with any original ideas. Some things are better of just staying as they are and in my opinion, Fraggle Rock is one of them.

Now, some viral videos with Uncle Traveling Matt exploring our modern world might be a grand idea and make much, much more sense to everyone involved than a Fraggle Rock feature film would.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2004
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After seeing the new Muppet movie, I realized it is possible to create a really good movie for something that hasn't been active for years (in the movie sense of it). If somebody with a great love and passion for Fraggle Rock were to have a great deal of control over it, I think it might be able to work. If they don't pull a Smurfs or an Alvin and the Chipmunks it could be OK.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2008
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Indeed, The Muppets was great. But, one must realize that The Muppets had the might of Disney behind it. Disney has a lot more resources and funding that The Jim Hensons Company does, making it much easier for them to warrant the risk of a flop. Add to that the fact that The Muppets as a franchise is and was much, much, much more widely known and loved by the general public and it's easy to see that The Muppets movie had a much great chance for success than a Fraggle Rock movie would. As much as we all love Fraggle Rock (I assume that anyone reading or replying to this thread does), the fact of the matter is that Fraggle Rock was a relatively unknown show in it's day and hasn't had the presence in the media and pop culture that The Muppets had and have.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Indeed, The Muppets was great. But, one must realize that The Muppets had the might of Disney behind it. Disney has a lot more resources and funding that The Jim Hensons Company does, making it much easier for them to warrant the risk of a flop. Add to that the fact that The Muppets as a franchise is and was much, much, much more widely known and loved by the general public and it's easy to see that The Muppets movie had a much great chance for success than a Fraggle Rock movie would. As much as we all love Fraggle Rock (I assume that anyone reading or replying to this thread does), the fact of the matter is that Fraggle Rock was a relatively unknown show in it's day and hasn't had the presence in the media and pop culture that The Muppets had and have.
Its true. The Muppets have pop culture to move them along through the ages too. Fraggles have a definite niche. It's a shame, though. I preferred Fraggle Rock in the day.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2008
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Its true. The Muppets have pop culture to move them along through the ages too. Fraggles have a definite niche. It's a shame, though. I preferred Fraggle Rock in the day.
As do I. I adore the Muppets, but Fraggle Rock will always just edge them out a bit.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
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I feel like a Fraggle movie would stand one chance in a hundred of living up to the greatness of the show. After so much time, and with a whole different studio in charge, there are just too many factors. Would they even use puppets? If they did, would they try to get the original performers that are available? If they didn't, would they bother trying to find new performers who could really channel the characters, or would they just go for broad caricatures? (Wembley--we need a squeaky voice! Red--we need a spunky girl!) What about the writers? Would they find someone who understood and cared about the spirit and tone of the show? Does that person understand the characters well enough to write dialogue for them? What about the music? Can anyone really replicate Fraggle music? Would they try, or would we just get generic, vapid "kids'" music? And the scariest thought of all: would they try to make the Fraggles "appeal to today's children" by having rotten attitudes, bad jokes, ridiculous dance moves and pop culture references that have no place at all in the Fraggle world?

I don't know...I love the Fraggles so much, but I just can't see a movie as a good idea at this point. I'm thrilled half to death that some of the puppets are back, and I hope Henson uses them in internet shorts, commercials, appearances, whatever. But a movie? . . . maybe not.


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Apr 16, 2002
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It's good if it works and has a strong script. And also if Henson has total control over what the movie is like (the heads of Muppet Studios helped shape that film quite a bit, and the writers welcomed the changes, making the film better than it could have been).

It is a huge gamble it could turn out the same frantic crap they put in kid's movies that aren't by Pixar these days. Hopefully they'll try to avoid that as mush as possible.

But face it. We've had 7 theatrical Muppet movies, 2 theatrical Sesame Street movies... I feel we've been robbed of a Fraggle movie. Too bad we didn't get one when Jim was around.

That said...

Collgoff... I'm saying this one last time. Please refrain from drudging up any and every thread about the Fraggle Rock movie. Just because we've heard that a new production company stepped in, doesn't make this film getting made a guarantee. We've discussed this multiple times.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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I hate to say it but you guys hit the nail on the head. If Fraggle Rock made a come back, it would have to be through a smaller vehicle. A movie wouldnt be easy to pull off correctly.
Id be happy with more little cameos or shorts.