I love MC and I always will. I never want to leave it and this community has been a wonderful support to me over the years.
It is true I have drifted away a little and so has my dear Michelle. But we both intend to stay really. We are sidetracked with various things happening in our lives while trying to plan for when we can get together again. We so enjoyed meeting in person when I spent five weeks in Texas last October/November.
Still I must admit one thing which I'm sure she would agree with. We were both a little disappointed that hardly anybody posted in that thread we made to officially announce our love for each other. Yes people did post in it to start with but it petered out after a little while even though we sometimes posted updates in it. And even when I made a new thread to declare my big trip to the US nobody really even said a brief word to wish us the best of luck and I'm sure I also declared that we became officially engaged as of the date in November mentioned in my signature. But nobody congratulated us over that as far as I could make out. We were both saddened about this. It did make us feel somewhat rejected.
But we will never just leave and I hope that MC will return to the feel of a community as I fondly remember it.