I still haven't seen the whole appearance. I hope someone posts the whole thing soon! I'm a poor artist without cable.
Due to the art of improv, the appearances seem to be hit-or-miss. I really think they're starting to get really good with these, but not all of them are going to be gems.
As for Miss Piggy's look - it's getting so much better. A lot of it is getting her out of those flat-ironed wigs. Her fashion faux pas photo really illustrated the differences in her styling. The puppet looks better too. Let's not forget there were several Henson-era puppets that weren't that hot.
Here comes the nit-picking:
However, I still don't understand what prevents them from achieving the classic Piggy facial features as they appear at the pinnacle of her popularity. I wish Disney and Puppet Heap would more directly reference this Piggy's structure. They do have the styling down.
(As pictured in the ad below)
Still, it was a shame to see that beautiful LV outfit only to have the puppet appear wall-eyed and her ears haphazardly placed...
when we've seen her look so good too...