VO: In the year 2012, an elite team of personages was brought back together again...
TogetherAgain: You called?
VO: No, not yet, oh fine.
The industrious multitasker and multi-minded Girl Friday (because we're posting this on a Friday and we're talking about a girl)...
The Prawn Cracker...
theprawncracker: Yes! Just scored another interview with Leslie Karrara Rudolph!
VO: Ahem?
TPC: Oh, sorry. *Quickly scrambles to gather up his Palisades Muppets in a group huddle.
The guy who half took over the organization (because he's half of Toga, don't ask how that works, we're not sure ourselves).
Vic Romano...
VR: Nah, I'm just not feeling it today. What to doodle next.
Second in command whenever the powers to be decree he gets the chance (or basically noone else wants to do the gruntwork of actually killing threads).
Vibsy: Yesh... -Ish?
The other girl who got drafted into this chicken outfit of a coop solely due to the fact she's more of a joke killer than a thread killer with her book of awesomely tacking -ish to any word uttered.
Kermie Babeeeeeeeeee!
runs up and slaps Anthony hard on the back.
KB47: *Choked out reply.
Pressed into service and out of retirement—not unlike the iron pressing him shut into his overstarched shirt and jeans—to resume his TKO powers.
Mrs. Pepper...
Now that's a a-spicy Canadienne!
The boss lady who makes everyone under her cower, no, we mean it, she can be scary tough when she's angry. But we love her all the same.
You needed me?
No, not you, the other guy, the MC member who's named after you.
And his disgustingly digestible (but not really) concoction known the world over as the infamous "Custodian's Surprise".
And the one responsable for this entire mess...
*Snowths: Doo-doo-de-doo-doo.
Never offer this man a drink of fruit punch, the results are and have proven to be... No wait. Who let him near the fruit punch? Don't drink... Aaaaaah!!!!
*Movie trailer goes black.
TKO Assemble?