thanks Muppet fan.
Gene, we could sure compare our ideas on the pattern. though you have taken a completely more methodical approach than I have. I looked at pics of Kermit and then the MR drawing and visualized the MR being totally off in some ways; the top of the head being too shallow, the lower mouth being too long. the angle of the mouth not giving enough fabric fold at the corners of the mouth and some other things. I think when it comes to Kermit, especially his head, the changes in his appearance over time kind of distorts our idea's of what a perfect Kermit is. For me, until i really researched the various versions, his different eye placements, collars, and even mouth shapes averaged out in my mind and created a composite ideal Kermit. Not too mention Jim was so expressive in performing that Kermit's head was always changing shape!
Liam, i'm a bit busy with work but if you can give me a couple days I can scan and upload some things to share.