Me thinks you head the nail on the head there. Seems perfectly fine for girls to bond and form an emotional connection with something like a TV show, but not guys. Tis especially hard in high school (mine also had a rampant obsession with Spongebob for some reason). The backback I used was totally decked out in patches, two of which was a fairly good sized Kermit The Frog "head logo" patch and an Animal patch. It was mixed in with various band patches of Marilyn Manson, A Perfect Circle, Danzig, KoRn, Ozzy Osbourne, Alice Cooper, and H.I.M. as well as a Bigfoot and Beavis And Butt-Head patch. The Kermit one was the last to go on (I saved a spot for it, determined to find one, even though it took me a while to track it down - got the Animal one in the same lot). Almost as soon as I put those two Muppet patches on, I started getting ridiculed, even called a not so nice "F" word (rhymes with maggot) on more than one occassion. It upset me greatly at the time, but the benefit of hindsight has shifted my feelings towards those who placed such ridicule upon me from anger to pity. I truly feel sorry for people who simply don't understand that Fraggle Rock and The Muppets are far more than just a "Kid's Show" and thus must attempt to make those who like them feel inferior in some manner. It's totally okay to not like the shows, but I will never understand why people must put down those who do.