I Must Be More Stupid Than I Thought


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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And a lot less tech savvy than I like to think I am as well.

I mean, seriously, no one else around here at MC seems to have anywhere near as much computer problems as I do (except maybe for when Sarge has to deal with dial-up)... how many times have you guys heard me rant about whatever is afflicting me at the moment in the past few years or so? How many times have I talked about having to fight off viruses and trojan horses that attack? How many times do I complain about something no longer working properly (like my D drive thanks to that guy who posted that Japanese link on the forum a couple of years ago)? And I don't see anyone else having these kind of problems, only me.

I'm literally watching my computer die now... I can't get over how this exact same virus was a simple fix before (scan with Spybot, delete the infection, everything's hunky-dory) has now basically corrupted my system near complete uselessness... and I';ve ALWAYS tried my best to be VERY mindful and take very good care of my computer, because I know what an important tool it is for everyday life... plus, the computer ishow I'm basically in contact with the rest of the outside world, yet it's like in the last few years, I've had the most rotten luck with my computer!

But then again, maybe it's not entirely me... I remember a profound quote Oscarfan told me once: "Maybe your computer just sucks". That could be too, I don't know.

Alls I know is... I'm sick of aways having computer problems, I'm sick of it always being one thing or another, and it's not one thing, it's another, and it'snot another thing, it's ten others, and I'm sick of always being the only one around here complaining about computer problems.

If you guys can't tell... I'M LOSING IT! I AM LOSING IT!!! :batty:


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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Sorry you're having so many computer problems Snowthy :frown: *HUG*


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Believe me you're not the only one who's had computer problems. I just prefer not to talk about them most of the time. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2011
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I'm literally watching my computer die now... I can't get over how this exact same virus was a simple fix before (scan with Spybot, delete the infection, everything's hunky-dory) has now basically corrupted my system near complete uselessness... and I';ve ALWAYS tried my best to be VERY mindful and take very good care of my computer, because I know what an important tool it is for everyday life... plus, the computer is how I'm basically in contact with the rest of the outside world, yet it's like in the last few years, I've had the most rotten luck with my computer!
Oh my goodness, are you me from a year ago? XD 'Cause seriously, I could've written the exact same rant word for word when Pooky, my old laptop, was on it's last legs. I now have Pooky 2.0 and have had next to no troubles so far (and I hope that by saying this I haven't just jinxed my laptop, LOL).

How old is your computer, and how often did you use it? I had a Dell laptop that lasted for five years because I used it daily for both schoolwork and social purposes. If your computer is ancient, it may just be time to replace it (sad to say).


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2011
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Don't feel bad. I don't talk about it but I have a lot of computer problems too. I have terrible luck with them for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Jadar...trust me...I feel your pain! There are times when I want to throw my piece of shitaki mushroom computer(that was the ONLY way I could slip by saying the actual word I wanted to call my computer :wink:) out the window!:grr: I'm lucky that the computer tech that we have fix our computers is such a great guy (not to mention good looking :flirt: but that wouldn't help you.) It's had virus pop ups, and all those other pieces of garbage.Just one question:How old is your computer?Maybe it's time for a new one. I've heard that computers are going down in price.
PS. And you're NOT stupid!!! I HATE when people call themselves call themselves stupid!!:mad:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Oh my goodness, are you me from a year ago?
Yes. I'm you before you had your sex-change operation, and legally changed your name to Ozy. :stick_out_tongue: :stick_out_tongue: :stick_out_tongue:
How old is your computer, and how often did you use it? I had a Dell laptop that lasted for five years because I used it daily for both schoolwork and social purposes. If your computer is ancient, it may just be time to replace it (sad to say).
I know, I know, I know... I've had the computer since 2006, but apparently, it was already a year old when I got it, so safe to say it's about six years old or so, and I pretty much used/use it on a daily basis, much like yourself, for productive purposes (graphics, video editing, etc), and social purposes like IM, e-mail, MC and such. I've been meaning to get a new one for a long time now, it's just my finances are usually tied up into more necessities (groceries and stuff) instead of luxuries.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Snowth...I know a guy who hacks and rebuilds Macs and is in the process of getting Apple-certified to do what he already does. Might be able to hook you up with something that won't die on you! Sorry you're having to deal with that nonsense again.

My brother is sending me his old G5 Powerbook, which has literally been around the world and back and is still going strong, but which he never uses since he switched to an iPad. You really might consider a used Mac -- they last as long as Hondas typically do! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2004
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I'm sorry your computer is giving you so many issues :frown: Believe me, I like to believe I know computers, and I've still had major problems.