Muppet Childhood Memories


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2011
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If you're like me and were 1st introduced to the Muppets as a child, you likely have fond Muppet moment memories. Here's some of mine.

-The Doug Henning Episode from s4. It's the episode I remember most vividly from when I was a child, don't know why. I watched it a few days ago for the 1st time in years, and I swear I remember the scenes where Doug does magic for Robin and the magic trick with Doug and the bird lady escaping from a chest shot for shot from my childhood.

-The Muppets at Disneyland. My parents recorded this on VHS, and I must have watched it at least a dozen times as a kid. My fav scene was always when the Electric Mayhem sang "All Around the World."

-TNT Monstervision promos terrifying me while I was trying to enjoy The Muppet Show. Yeah, Muppets reruns were on TNT when I was a kid, that's how I saw most of the show, and TNT also had a horror movie show hosted by a Texan(?) called Monstervision around that time. You'd think the tv execs would know better than to run a terrifying commercial during children's programming, but apparently not.

What are some of your Muppets childhood memories?


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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This is a little older than what you're probably looking for, but I remember watching The Muppets Christmas Carol in my sixth grade class for our holiday party and being absolutely enthralled. My friends and I went around doing imitations of Robin-as-Tiny Tim for days afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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- My brother and I used to play Muppet babies. He'd always be Kermit and I'd be Rowlf, and we'd go on adventures.

- When I was a small child I would literally throw myself on the ground and yell "TAXI!" That was my favorite Muppet moment, and I would recreate it whenever I got the chance.

- I can remember being six and going to see MTI in theaters. I was so scared when Piggy and Kermit were hanging upside down. I thought they were in danger!

- Every Xmas my brother and I would watch Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree. Not a popular Henson project, I know, but we loved it. And Kermit narrated!

- Giant Animal in TMM scared me.

Speed Tracer

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May 24, 2005
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I have a lot, all of which were small elements that added up to me being the Muppet fan I am today.

-The earliest is probably Muppet Babies. I watched that show INCESSANTLY as a kid. A neighbor who babysat me had some of the videos, and I adored it. I haven't seen it in maybe sixteen years. I miss it.

-I watched The Muppet Show on Nickelodeon a lot at my grandma's. I specifically remember the Cloris Leachman episode, because Kermit, Fozzie and Gonzo were locked in the boiler room and Gonzo started digging out with a spoon. This is my earliest memory of the show.

-My library had VHS copies of both Muppet Family Christmas and Muppet Classic Theatre. The thing is, I only got to see either of them once because someone else either lost them or stole them! For years I looked back on both of the with utmost fondness. Now, more fondness for MFC than MCT...

-When I was six, Muppets Tonight premiered. My dad taped all the episodes (since my parents were divorced, I was at my mom's the night the show came on) and we watched the whole first season on a Saturday. It blew my mind completely.

-He took me to see Muppet Treasure Island when it came out. I remember being just a tad scared by Blind Pew (he's now one of the funniest post-Jim era characters for me; I know we never will but I really want to see him again - although I do wonder by Uncle Deadly didn't play him), but enthralled by the rest. This was also my first big introduction to Miss Piggy, and I've been getting "Boom Shakalaka" stuck in my head for years.

-I got a VHS of The Muppet Movie for Christmas that year.

The rest is history.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2011
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I think this goes double for me.
Yeah, I don't know if Sweetums was meant to be scary or not, but I also saw Jim Henson's Frog Prince when I was a kid, and he scared me almost as much as the witch. BTW wasn't Frog Prince Sweetums's 1st appearance?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I honestly can't pin down a moment when I first discovered the Muppets. They've just always been there. :smile:

I grew up with the VHS tapes of Hey Cinderella!, Musicians of Bremen and The Frog Prince. I used to sing Brave Sir Robin's song as my Dad pushed me on the swings in the backyard. But I remember I didn't really understand the lyrics and used to blend the words "andnobleofbearing" together, lol. Oddly enough I wasn't scared of Sweetums!

Watched the Muppet Babies every Saturday along with Pee Wee Herman and Ernest, lol. I wanted to be a comedian like Fozzie and dressed up in a Baby Fozzie costume for Halloween. Then I went to my friend's Halloween party and it turned out she had the same costume! Lol :embarrassed:

The Great Muppet Caper and The Muppets Take Manhattan were two of the earliest films I can remember, period. I really had no idea what was going on in GMC at the time, but I somehow loved the Kermit/Piggy/Nicky love triangle, lol. MTM helped foster my fascination with the big city. And whenever I played weddings with my Barbie and Ken dolls I had them sing "He'll/She'll Make Me Happy." :smile: :mad:

Henson's Place was one of the first documentaries I ever watched and to this day I often enjoy documentaries on shows more than the actual shows, lol.

Strangely enough I had no idea The Muppet Show even existed until Nickelodeon started airing it in the '90s, and thank God it did, plus Muppet Matinee! It didn't get any better. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
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i remember being scared of kermit the frog on sesame street and running away when he would come on the mom how ever had watched the muppet show and muppets tonight when she was a kid so when Studio DC came along i told her and she thought this might be the muppets rise to glory again and thats what got me to start on muppets that and bohemian rhapsody then i watched all 6 muppet movies all episodes of muppets tonight and muppet show and own almost every muppet dvd and all the specials i watched

i always remembered animal as the red guy from looney toons he was like furry


New Member
Dec 8, 2011
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I agree with Heralde. The Muppets have just always been there.

When I was little, my father wanted my bro and I to know the sort of things he grew up with, so he put together a whole album with all these retro songs from the 1950s-1980s. It had the Mighty Mouse Theme song, the Underdog Theme song, Girls Just wanna Have Fun, Puff the Magic Dragon, and this strange, but catchy song about starting the Muppet Show. I later learned that this was the old theme song of the original Muppet tv show!

I remember when I first saw Muppet Classic Theatre when I was five. I loved it! I Could quote that movie backwards and forwards by the time I was six and had watched the VHS a hundred times. "Pigs In a blanket! I believe I will!! Bwahahaha!" XD

I also used to watch Muppet Treasure Island and Muppet Christmas Carol as a kid. I loved MCC, it was one of the films we'd watch every year at Christmas! The ghost of christmas yet to come used to freak me out!
Also, me and my bro could do a very funny rendition of "Cabin Fever." (except I used to think it was "captain" fever for some weird reason)

The first Muppet Movie I got to see in theaters before the new movie came out was Muppets from Space. Now I know a lot of fans denounce this movie due to lack of original songs and the revealing of Gonzo's origin, but I loved it. MFS was my all-time favorite Muppet Movie when I was a kid and it made me fall in love with Gonzo!! Yes, it needed original songs and perhaps a slightly more coherent plot line, but it was really heartfelt and funny!

And finally, I rented this awesome TV special at the rental store with all these cool cartoons on it. It was Cartoon All-Stars to The Rescue and I loved it so much the rental store let me keep it. It had the Baby Muppets on it, and I did research on every single cartoon that showed up on that tape. So I ended up finding old Baby Muppets cartoons on YouTube and watching hours of it.

So yeah... I can't remember a time where the Muppets haven't been in my short 17-year old life! :big_grin: