What is your wish for Christmas?

Gonzo's Hobbit

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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In terms of presents I asked for an audio bible or a blanket made from the Sesame Street Fleece at Joanes.
Wishing for the moon, I'd love the gift of a job offer from the company I've worked for as a contractor for two and a half years.
Hope you get the job Slackbot. That would be awesome.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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In the unrealistic department, I'd like to wake up to find a significant other under the Xmas tree, one that manages to appreciate Fraggles and college sports, one who enjoys a good lunch and weird t-shirts.

In the realistic department, I've already had my Sports Illustrated and Rolling Stone subscriptions renewed for another year by generous family members and I got a giant tin of hot cocoa mix in my friends' Secret Santa, so chances are the rest of my family is just going to throw cash and gift cards my way. No one does surprises anymore because we have had some spectacular gift failures over the past few years (me buying my sister books that she had already read in school two years in a row, me receiving five pairs of lounge pants in one holiday season from five different people), so we just take the easy way out. This way I can save money for textbooks, and then blow the rest on goofball t-shirts and that Fraggle Rock blanket they sell at Spencer's


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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In the unrealistic department, I'd like to wake up to find a significant other under the Xmas tree, one that manages to appreciate Fraggles and college sports, one who enjoys a good lunch and weird t-shirts.
Going off this note, if I woke up, ran to my living room, and found Jason Segel sitting under my Christmas tree holding a Walter plushie and the second season of The Muppet Show, well, that'd be a very merry Christmas indeed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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I grinned at my mom's reaction when she insisted I put together an amazon wishlist...and I did...and she said, rather taken aback, "You...ah, have a lot of Muppet things on there." :wink:

A full winter's supply of various Stash Tea flavors, TMS seasons 2 and 3, and enough cash to custom-order a replica of Newsie...heh heh heh.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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I'm gonna wish for the release date of the Muppet Show season 4 DVD release, that and the Tintin movie. Bit of a dork I'm afraid... :shifty:

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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I'm gonna wish for the release date of the Muppet Show season 4 DVD release, that and the Tintin movie. Bit of a dork I'm afraid... :shifty:
I second your dork-wish, (which isn't all that dorky, we're on Muppet Central remember? :wink:) they are WAY overdue releasing it. Hopefully the movie's success will kick them into gear.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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I have two wishes for this Christmas:

The first (and most un-realistic), is that on Christmas morning, I might walk into my living room and find a decorated tree with a dashing young man sitting beneath (beside?) it.

The second wish is that each of my students would have a magical Christmas, with no heartbreak or family problems, and that Santa would bring them everything they ask for.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
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I made my Christmas wish list for Santa Claus, But there's one I really want is a better life away from things that I don't like very much.

There is one of those I don't like is a school program which is for people who has disabilaties that all ready finish High school.

The programe is the next steps program and people go there from 18 to 22 years old.

The resaon why I don't like it becasue my Parents made me go to it, I didn't want t0 g0 there but I want to be in college, I get upset there and there are people that won't leve me alone.

I think I'll retype my wish list because some of them already come true!

Merry Christmas!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I simply wish for happiness for loved ones, people I care for, myself and everyone else.
I care little about materialism these days. I find the same kind of thrill I used to get buying, I now get from just giving stuff away or not buying stuff. Less is more, simplicity and minimalism is happiness. Im not into gadgets or keeping up with new stuff.
I realize some of my favorite stuff is things I or other people make.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I have two wishes for this Christmas:

The first (and most un-realistic), is that on Christmas morning, I might walk into my living room and find a decorated tree with a dashing young man sitting beneath (beside?) it.

The second wish is that each of my students would have a magical Christmas, with no heartbreak or family problems, and that Santa would bring them everything they ask for.
Heh, I think future love would definitely be number one on a lot of our wishlists.
Also that is a great wish. I want the holidays to be grand for all, and not just the holidays. As depressed as I get, I notice I always flourish with good cheer, inspiration and wonderment around this time of year so I never have time to be too down. I feel bad for people who hate the holidays. I otherwise dislike all other holidays, including Halloween. And the summer always brings me down for some reason