"The Power of the Dark Crystal" on hold yet again


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
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DC sequel on hold? Im not wondering at all!​
As far as TRON goes: I liked it for the visuals and music. Not really a fan.​
IMO a DC2 could make a LOT of money now.​


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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LOL. Surprise surprise. The inept Henson Company strikes again.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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To be honest...I think everybody's waiting to see how "The Muppets" performs at the box office. Makes sense. Let Disney take the puppet gamble for today's audiences. A strong opening will have studios jumping on the muppety bandwagon by way of Fraggles and fantasy. Just please no Weinstein. They had their chance and lost the goodwill of the fans.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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To be honest...I think everybody's waiting to see how "The Muppets" performs at the box office. Makes sense. Let Disney take the puppet gamble for today's audiences. A strong opening will have studios jumping on the muppety bandwagon by way of Fraggles and fantasy. Just please no Weinstein. They had their chance and lost the goodwill of the fans.

The problem with a Fraggle movie is, due to Weinstine still owning the script, we'd need to start with a completely new one. And that would take another 5 years, even if the Muppets was a huge smash success enough for some other company to want to make it.

Yet, with DC... it really shouldn't matter if the Muppets is a success or not, especially since the more kid friendly Muppet characters could easily make DC2 sound like a kid's movie (I'd gather that's why Dark Crystal didn't do all that well to begin with, sadly).

Even then, Henson NEEDS to get a competent business partner. Hit was only in it for the DVD money and the prospects of a Fraggle Movie, Weinstine only cared about cheap DTV Shrek like films, Sony really seemed to burn some brides after MFS, but the video license kept going for a while...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I understand wanting a new Indiana Jones, a New Star Wars, or a New Ghostbusters movie. I mean, disappointing or not, they're massive hit franchises that made small fortunes over the years. But a new Tron? The movie's cult and it's basically cult FOR being a flop. Even if Tron 2 bombed, it would make a lot more than the first one did. I can see complaints for the new Indiana Jones and Star Wars films... but how can a movie that no body really liked like Tron "hold up?" Does it even matter if a movie that wasn't all that popular gets a sequel that's not all that popular and the new film isn't great, even though the old one wasn't?

That's like if they made a... what's that bad 1980's off brand Gremlins wanna be franchise? Creatures? Kritters? Something like that with squishy foam puppets that are more goofy looking than scary? If they made a long awaited sequel to that and those who see it say it didn't hold up.

Dark Crystal was an amazing movie (that I haven't seen in decades... what's taking me so long?) and a sequel will no doubt have a huge burden to carry. it may not have been a hit, but it is cult for the right reasons. It's an underrated gem. Tron... Tron was someone trying to make a hip movie about them video computer games that were popular with them crazy youngsters and their tight jeans and Rubix cubes and their Mello Yello.
I notice a LOT of college aged nerd girls, goths, etc LOVE Labyrinth...worship it, partially for the Bowie aspect.

Not as much love for Dark Crystal. Yeah it's boring as heck, slow...but the Skeksis and the artistry, amazing!

Well I can see why Tron got made into the modern era. In this whiz bang era of gadgets, whats more gadgety then going inside a matrix?

Indiana Jones 4 was horrendous in my view...Tron Legacy is the best sci fi film Ive seen since the first two Matrix films in my view.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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LOL. Surprise surprise. The inept Henson Company strikes again.
This is like what Duke Nukem was to the game community. Every single year some website will put up new info(MTV, AICN, etc) or tidbit, and everyone will say the exact comments and rants. Same with Fraggle Rock movie.

But people forget...in 1998 Brian Henson announced a dark crystal sequel in this big press statement. It happened when I first joined MC, and we had a lot of the same exact threads. If I had had a child when we first were talking about JHC's DC sequel plans, Id have a kid legally old enough to see a pg-13 movie.