Some people confuse asexuality like behavior with being gay. Like the character of Sheldon on Big Bang Theory, or Pee Wee for instance. Bert, Ernie and Grover represent that sort of innocent asexuality, while The Count, Pepe, etc typify womanizing horn-doggedness.
It's truly sad Paul Ruebens career was destroyed from that strange event. I don't think he ever bounced back career wise, other than the public came back to really appreciate what had been lost and support his current ventures(Saw the new HBO broadway special, such an interesting time warp into vintage pee wee) I liked him in Blow, and wish he had done more drama and comedy roles. He's a bit old now, though he still rocks the Pee Wee thing pretty well still.
One issue is that companies have used characters being gay as merely a punchline, a schtick. Smithers on the Simpsons, Roger the alien on American Dad. It's just a sight gag to them. And while Modern Family's gay couple often involves ruses revolving around some of that, they're treated like any other dysfunctional couple on the show. Networks have tried this before, like John Goodman in Normal Ohio. But often gay characters are treated as a zippy one liner charactiture