"The Muppets" Official Movie Trailer


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I think people are forgetting when this trailer is coming out... this weekend. What else is coming out this weekend? Cars 2. That's why we got a heavy slapstick, meh trailer. I'm willing to bet we'll see a more classic trailer attached to some films later on in the year.
Oh man...you just blew my mind! Of course....each trailer is ENGINEERED to play to different audiences. I don't know why I didn't realize this. If this is attached to Cars 2, then it seems perfectly tailored to appeal to children who will be in droves to see Pixar's latest.

The faith of the Diz being so great, that they are willing to put a special Toy Story short before The Muppets. Now that is pretty darn awesome.

I think we'll see a truly proper trailer in the short months to come that will feel like, well a real trailer. I just don't want people to get the meme that this is just a kid's movie.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I don't see why anyone is complaining about the trailer. I mean We have had three just in the past month, and this one shows us a lot more of the classic Muppets that have been rebulit. We also see how much of a classic Muppet movie this is going to feel like, and I really think that after this movie they will re launch the Muppet Show. There I said it, Yes re lauch the Muppet show back at the old Muppet Theater, with new stars and some new skits and some old favs.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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It's not so much about disappointment for me, it's realizations about the trailer. The tone is a little skewed but I can look past that. Just, some of the footage is either confusing (face it, how many of us knew about the Moopets before the trailer) or would just work better in the context of the movie. I dig the trailer, but I'd definitely recobble it with some of the footage from the other trailers that got me really excited.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Who's to say that it would not be better, then the origanal Muppet Show? We have some newer Muppets that could give it a little more pop, and we now seem to have Rowlf, Scooter, and the Band back into the spotlight with some regualar Muppeters.
If you really asked the general pubic about the Muppets they would say two things.
1. Sesame Street and 2. The Muppet Show. People loved the Muppet Show, and a lot of people say that they wished the Muppet Show was back on the air in some way ethier new shows or re - runs.
I really think that America is ready for a new Muppet Show, but it just has to be done well, and we don't need a lot of "new" Muppets We need the classic core, who after this movie are going to really be stars again!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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I'm not entirely sure I'd want a TMS-like show. Sure it'd be fun, but watching the old ones on DVD, I'm aware of the problem of "staying power". I knew about a quarter of the stars, felt familiar with at least the names or faces of another quarter ... and then there's the "who?" ones. I'd like a show that can have eps about hosting the show, with guest stars, but also branch out and focus more on the actual main characters of the show.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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I think MT! showed us a show like TMS won't survive in TV today. I'd like to see other things though. I don't know who posted it (either here on on the TP forum), but I'd like to see them do the "Cheapest Muppet Movie" idea. They said it probably wouldn't work well as a full-length movie, but it could as a TV special and I completely agree with that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I think that the problems with MT was that the writing style changed and really I think at the tme ABC/Disney really did not know what to do with MT. Another problem was that Kermit was not the host of the show. Kermit, and Steve are both ready to host a new show.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Yes Kermit went through a tough time from 1990 to i want to say 2001, 02. Steve was doing an awesome job but he felt reserved about doing Kermit.(We all would) Kermit really came back in AVMMCM he was up he was down, he was in love with Piggy and he got the gang through a tight spot. Every since then Kermit has becoming a better and bigger star again. That is why I think he and Steve are ready to host.