Muppet Show Season 4 coming in 2013


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Apr 14, 2002
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If that is indeed true, there was no excuse, movie or not, to sit on the release for over a year, especially since we already had to wait 2 years for it to come out. For the 1000000000000th time, there ARE 5 seasons, re-releasing the movies, Muppets Tonight, prospects of complete series sets and individual disk best ofs. There's NO reason any of those couldn't have promoted the film the same way, especially since it was announced at the D23 that it WAS coming out last year back in 2009.

So far, we've seen everything else they announced, the Uglydolls, the Cat Cora thing... but no DVD set. Again, movie or NO movie, unless there's a rights hold up on another front, there was no reason to drag their feet. These things actually sell, unlike the just released sets of sitcoms that haven't even had the chance to get on reruns by the time they come out. Or bad Food network shows.
I told you, Dr. Tooth, it has to be one of two things: the music rights or George Lucas' company holding things up due to the Star Wars episode. I know Lucas and Henson were friends but business and legal matters are another thing entirely. I agree the wait for this has been frustrating and somewhat ridiculous but Paramount took forever in between releasing season sets of "Taxi" and it's been about 2-3 years now since they put out Family Ties "Season 5". I'm still waiting for 6 and 7. But what are we gonna do? To quote Kermit towards the end of the Muppet Movie when they're in Lew Lord's waiting area "Let's just sit here and wait".


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yes, but it isn't just Henson and Lucas... Lucas has a good relationship with Henson AND Disney. After all, Lucas may be able to withhold the characters for the video, but that doesn't make sense at a business angle, especially with a renovated theme park attraction AND using the characters from the movie to promote it in commercials. on the one hand, it could sour the relationship, on the other hand, Disney could twist his arm.

There would be a chance Lucas wanted more money for the rights to the characters for a one episode video appearance than Disney was able to give him... but considering they hammered out song rights for the last 2 seasons they clearly had a plan for that. Besides, worse comes to worst, they can always exclude one episode like they did with the clumsy The Tick releases.

It's not that I wouldn't doubt it if you are right, but from a standpoint you can see why I question that.

And I still think something went down with John Denver's estate.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Yes, but it isn't just Henson and Lucas... Lucas has a good relationship with Henson AND Disney. After all, Lucas may be able to withhold the characters for the video, but that doesn't make sense at a business angle, especially with a renovated theme park attraction AND using the characters from the movie to promote it in commercials. on the one hand, it could sour the relationship, on the other hand, Disney could twist his arm.

There would be a chance Lucas wanted more money for the rights to the characters for a one episode video appearance than Disney was able to give him... but considering they hammered out song rights for the last 2 seasons they clearly had a plan for that. Besides, worse comes to worst, they can always exclude one episode like they did with the clumsy The Tick releases.

It's not that I wouldn't doubt it if you are right, but from a standpoint you can see why I question that.

And I still think something went down with John Denver's estate.
I don't think Lucas' arm can be twisted very easily in my opinion. He's still stubborn enough where he won't release the original 3 Star Wars films the way they were originally shown in theaters in the late 70's because he claims "it wasn't the film he wanted to do at the time". Which I get from a creative standpoint that there's no technology and you wanna tweak them to your vision and whatnot, but for the fans who grew up with the film from that era, throw them a bone. I get annoyed whenever I hear about the Star Wars stuff and I'm not even a fan of the franchise LOL

I wouldn't doubt John Denver's estate could've been an issue too. We still don't have an official release of the Christmas special the Muppets did with him, and I'm sure that's a whole other level of music rights, etc. with his stuff too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I don't think Lucas' arm can be twisted very easily in my opinion. He's still stubborn enough where he won't release the original 3 Star Wars films the way they were originally shown in theaters in the late 70's because he claims "it wasn't the film he wanted to do at the time".
Oh don't even get me started, lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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He could have easily refused Sesame Workshop to use the characters as well, but he didn't. I would say if he was stuck in that mindset, we wouldn't have got it on the Sony released ones as well. There is a chance it COULD be a possibility, but I don't think a strong one. Why would he want to hurt a relationship with Disney if it makes him some money?

Plus, again, we could easily have the set with the episode missing.

Duke Remington

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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(sigh) If only Steve Swanson of The MuppetCast could get a new interview with Lyelle Brier, so he could ask her why TMS Season 4 has been delayed...


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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He could have easily refused Sesame Workshop to use the characters as well, but he didn't. I would say if he was stuck in that mindset, we wouldn't have got it on the Sony released ones as well. There is a chance it COULD be a possibility, but I don't think a strong one. Why would he want to hurt a relationship with Disney if it makes him some money?

Plus, again, we could easily have the set with the episode missing.
Yeah, but that episode would be a big selling point, because then you'd have all the Star Wars fans buying the set too. I'm not saying he' d WANT to hurt the relationship, but when it comes to money, people get funny about stuff. Haven't you ever had someone pass on in your family and it turned into a nightmare because of who left what to who, who wanted this after they died, etc? Money brings out the worst in people.