Hey Phil and co... I know I'm not a regular poster anymore, but I just wanted to say that I'm finiding it really hard to see my way around some of the sub forums when I do drop in due to the sticky threads. There are 11 in the 'Muppet Headlines' section, 8 of which haven't been posted in in a month and two of which haven't been touched this year. More active, timely conversations are going on below them, but it's tough to spot them to get involved. The 'Classic Muppets' forum has the same problem.
I *know* it's an attempt to stop double posts and but is there any chance of being a little cleaner ahead of the movie to encourage people to drop by a little more (say two or three stickys max) - it sorta stops the forums feeling alive with out of date conversations taking priority IMO... Hopefully if a subject is genuinely hot it'll stay at the top by itself!
Thanks a lot and hope you don't mind the comment!
I *know* it's an attempt to stop double posts and but is there any chance of being a little cleaner ahead of the movie to encourage people to drop by a little more (say two or three stickys max) - it sorta stops the forums feeling alive with out of date conversations taking priority IMO... Hopefully if a subject is genuinely hot it'll stay at the top by itself!
Thanks a lot and hope you don't mind the comment!