Muppets in USA Today - 5/17/11


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2011
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good to see the film is getting the media attention already it just gets me more and more pumped for it


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Grat artical I love hearing about how passionet Seagle is of the Muppets, and cant wait to see where Walter ends up. (Fallon please) This movie is going to be huge!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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I nominate the Chef as popcorn maker. I'll bring the oatmeal! :smile:

I haven't bothered to actually see a film in a theatre in years. THIS will drag me in!

And yes, it's wonderful to see pop media embracing the movie well before its arrival! Bravo!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Great article. Interesting that they'll show Kermit walking... I hope the movie doesn't have too many full-body shots of the Muppets walking.

Also great that it'll have every Muppet we can think of. Though I bet it won't have anybody owned by Henson or Sesame Workshop. I guess we'll see Pepe, the cast of The Jim Henson Hour, Lips, Angelo, PJ and Kai-Lee, Taminella, Fleet Scribbler, and Gladys in the film! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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The walking thing is probably an attempt to mimic Mr. Henson's desire to one-up himself with each of the original Muppet films. Kermit's bike ride in The Muppet Movie to the crazy multi-muppet ride in The Great Muppet Caper and the swimming sequence in the same film.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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I am so excited for this movie that I hardly can contain myself!

I'm going home tomorrow and seeing the new Pirates movie at a great local drive-in we have that shows new movies. I am so looking forward to seeing the new Muppets trailer on a gigantic screen! I will definitely be screaming in the car when it comes on!

November 23rd cannot come faster enough in my opinion!


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Sep 16, 2002
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And even Miss Piggy has not needed plastic surgery
Not sure what that's supposed to mean, heh.

I don't want this to sound wrong, but back in the day Piggy wasn't required to be in the "plus size" category, as though she shouldn't be in the standard category. She was acknowledged as a sort of '70s sex symbol in pop culture. (though obviously a strange one, hehe). I don't know, maybe it's just my disgust with the fashion industry in general that puts such ridiculous labels on women and their size. I mean it's good that there are full figured models, but they really shouldn't have to be separated the way they are.

It's nice that they have the technology to show the Muppets doing things they couldn't before, however I hope all their time and effort wasn't put into that as opposed to the script. That's often a red flag with remakes.

(I'm thinking for instance how Tim Burton bragged about how his Ape makeup for his Planet of the Apes was so much more advanced than the original's. Meanwhile his version was horrible, lol. Or that remake of Alfie that talked of improved camera tricks. Again, medicore movie.)

Well anyway, we'll see. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I don't want this to sound wrong, but back in the day Piggy wasn't required to be in the "plus size" category, as though she shouldn't be in the standard category. She was acknowledged as a sort of '70s sex symbol in pop culture. (though obviously a strange one, hehe). I don't know, maybe it's just my disgust with the fashion industry in general that puts such ridiculous labels on women and their size. I mean it's good that there are full figured models, but they really shouldn't have to be separated the way they are.
Plus size is a backhanded way of saying at weight or slightly above normal. It was a term created by the same people that gave us Heroin chic to sound empowering. Most of the "plus sized" models I've seen are just slightly above normal weight if anything. And it gets lumped in as a euphemism for really fat, basically saying if you're a little overweight, you're fat. it's like.... you know those boxes they have on surveys that ask your age, and one box says 28-35 and the next says 35-50? That means if you're 35, you're categorized as 50, meaning if you're not under 35, you're already old.

It's nice that they have the technology to show the Muppets doing things they couldn't before, however I hope all their time and effort wasn't put into that as opposed to the script. That's often a red flag with remakes.
I see what you're coming from, but here's the story...
The movie was proposed (by the writers, not the studio) sometime in 2008, and that's when a first draft was written. Now, it took well over 2 years to finish and approve the script, and it went through EVERYONE at Disney, including Pixar before it was approved. I'm sure technical stuff was considered during the approval of the script, but it seems the script always came first... and if nothing else, the relentless arm twisting of the writers (who wanted the film just as much, if not more than we did) alone gets me exited. Often times true "remakes" have so little thought or care put into them, they turn out like... well, the Smurfs. The license is bought and a script is written as an afterthought just before the license expires (which is the ONLY reason we got the Dragonball movie). Even with the last theaterical movie, something was wrong... they were somehow pigeonholed to make a "space" movie (to cash in off Star Wars 1) and had too many people working on passes of a script, only to have a talentless director who didn't care for it outside being a resume addition butcher anything potentially funny.

I don't see any of that with this. The underlining fact is The guys who are making this movie weren't fans of the last bunch of Muppet films either.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I don't see any of that with this. The underlining fact is The guys who are making this movie weren't fans of the last bunch of Muppet films either.
Yeah I see where you're coming from as well. I'll admit there have been plenty of films that I had low anticipations for, yet turned out fine. It really can go either way. :smile: