Is It Normal For A Diz Film To Have No Hype?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Disney announced yesterday that the teaser for Brave will be attached to Cars 2. Unless studio policies have changed, film studios are only allowed to attach one trailer for an upcoming release to the head of their movie theatrically, I guess this means the first trailer for The Muppets will most likely be with Pirates 4. Just a guess.
I would say that's a very good guess. We'll either see a trailer in front of Pirates 4 or Winnie the Pooh... perhaps both. It makes sense for Pixar to promote their own upcoming project in front of their own film. Pirates seems the most likely candidate.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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That said, what makes you think that it will exclusively be attached to a Disney film? I see a lot trailers premier before movies that aren't by the same studio as well. Maybe they'll attatch it to another film outside the Disney brand.

But I'm hoping to see something by June. Any later, and they might as well not release a trailer at all.

It's not unusual for Pixar trailers to come a year before during Pixar movies... I mean, the Incredibles had that teaser before Monsters Inc... hopefully they'll have BOTH The Muppets and Brave previewed on that movie. They sunk a fortune into the license and this project... any faltering from now till November will be a waste of money.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Betchya we're gonna see scenes of the Easter Bunny checking his mail and painting his house too.

And I swear... one more movie with a cartoon woodland creature with a title name spending most of the movie trying to help some loser get a Mary Sue and I'm gonna lose it.
And that line in the Hop trailer, "Never had one formal lesson!" Did they actually have the nerve to steal from Ferris Bueller, a much better movie than this will EVER be? ? ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2004
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And that line in the Hop trailer, "Never had one formal lesson!" Did they actually have the nerve to steal from Ferris Bueller, a much better movie than this will EVER be? ? ?
well id agrue thats such a standard line its really hard to track back to ferris

almost like saying everytime someone ''says its a trap'' its a refrence to star wars


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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A) they've been saying that old standard for years, well before Ferris Bueller... well well well before it. I swore I heard someone from Looney Tunes say it once

B) Yeah... it's completely strange to see a movie steal lines from another movie and use it out of context. I haven't heard that ever happen... except early Dreamworks movies and later movies by third parties, and every single time they uttered the phrase "Say Hello to my Little Friend" outside of Scarface, and... well... Actually, I'm pressed to think of a movie that DIDN'T do that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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A) they've been saying that old standard for years, well before Ferris Bueller... well well well before it. I swore I heard someone from Looney Tunes say it once
Yeah yeah I know, lol. It's just that that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the trailer, lol. And other people online also made the same complaint, lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Movies basically steal lines from other movies as a poor excuse for humor, though I was more turned off by David Haslehoff's forced cameo. I liked his odd cameo in the Spongebob movie... up until they have to ride on his back (disturbing)... but the obvious NBC show promo that was (and believe me, NBC LOVES to promote shows in movies and movies in shows) is just a little too much.

Plus, again, I don't want to support the director that ruined MFS. Traveling Matt had EVERY RIGHT to be in that movie.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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That "Arthur Christmas", horrible. It's just going to confuse people really. We already have a majorly hyped "Arthur" film, and parents will mostly know of the Arthur Aardvark cartoon franchise from PBS.

And wow, how original...Santa ends up being an alien/corporate slave factory/techno guru. Films like this, Mars Needs Moms, etc just lack any soul. But I save my true disgust and hate for films like the upcoming smurfs, Alvin and the chipmunks, and sadly(as much as Im a garfield fan) the Garfield "Cg/live action" films.

I am happy that an Iger led Disney has already produced the beautiful 2d Princess and the Frog, and the super old school styled Winnie the Pooh. A return to form, when pre 1960's 2d animation was beyond gorgeous(sadly by the time of Sword and the Stone, Robin Hood, etc the quality had fallen dramatically from the days of Fantasia and Alice in Wonderland)

I agree with Jamie regarding the late May thing. Still, for a Disney holiday tentpole, to me it's extremely bizarre we haven't seen one single poster or promo material yet...especially given this is not a holiday themed movie.

The movie looks like a definitely Summer release, yet thank goodness it is not being released in the crowded and easily lost Summer release months. That would truly stink if theres no Muppet trailer for Cars 2, since that will be the most widely seen Disney kids movie. Pirates is more for the older crowd.

Anyways, I agree with what Jamie said, I just question why there hasnt been any sort of teaser, poster, etc. And its almost mid April


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Disney's movie marketing machinery seems to be different this year. They're lumping all their summer releases together in one big push and I think once that's done they'll focus on the holiday releases. But it is rather strange.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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And wow, how original...Santa ends up being an alien/corporate slave factory/techno guru. Films like this, Mars Needs Moms, etc just lack any soul.
Yeah... and the "independent thinker" dork saves the day and Hollywood goes around giving another moral they don't abide to... like the whole, "Beauty isn't as important as the person... that's why we got beautiful people to do the voice of beautiful characters who are slightly less beautiful than the villain who is also beautiful."

Seriously, wasn't this the plot basically to Robby the Reindeer? And wasn't Flick from Bug's Life EXACTLY the same sort of character? Really... this is an ugly, ugly movie. And if this movie clobbers the Muppet film, I'm gonna rant about it for years to come.