Deleted scenes from The Muppet Movie


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2010
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Hi, :smile:

Does anyone have the deleted scenes from 'The Muppet Movie'?

You know, the running gag with Statler and Waldorf occasionally popping-up throughout the film to comment on the events.

I've been looking for them, :search: I can't find them on YouTube :frown:

I hope the deleted scenes are out there somewhere.

If not, how do we know about them?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Hi, :smile:

Does anyone have the deleted scenes from 'The Muppet Movie'?

You know, the running gag with Statler and Waldorf occasionally popping-up throughout the film to comment on the events.

I've been looking for them, :search: I can't find them on YouTube :frown:

I hope the deleted scenes are out there somewhere.

If not, how do we know about them?
Tough Pigs had an article about an early draft of the script a long time ago. It wasn't exactly a complete transcript of the script. It quoted most of the stuff that was different/ didn't make it into the movie, while describing other stuff.

I know that the storybook has images that don't appear in the movie (so does The Muppets Take Manhattan storybook). A few years ago when Craig Shemin was on The MuppetCast he said that he often searches The Jim Henson Company Archives for deleted scenes from the movie but hadn't found any.

I know that there was also a book or something with an image of Statler and Waldorf on top of a camel, which didn't make it into the movie, either.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2010
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Tough Pigs had an article about an early draft of the script a long time ago. It wasn't exactly a complete transcript of the script. It quoted most of the stuff that was different/ didn't make it into the movie, while describing other stuff.

I know that the storybook has images that don't appear in the movie (so does The Muppets Take Manhattan storybook). A few years ago when Craig Shemin was on The MuppetCast he said that he often searches The Jim Henson Company Archives for deleted scenes from the movie but hadn't found any.

I know that there was also a book or something with an image of Statler and Waldorf on top of a camel, which didn't make it into the movie, either.
I hope some deleted scenes turn-up one day.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I hope some deleted scenes turn-up one day.
Me, too! I'd also like to see deleted scenes from The Great Muppet Caper and The Muppets Take Manhattan. Actually, I don't think we know any hints of any deleted scenes from GMC. With the other movies, the storybook adaptations show pictures that don't resemble anything in the movies (most of the photos seem to be taken especially for the book or promotional material, as opposed to being still images), and we have further evidence of deleted scenes in The Mupepts Take Manhattan, as the storybook describes a few scenes not in the finished picture, and some such scenes are also in the comic book adaptation. But with The Great Muppet Caper I don't know of any hints of deleted scenes (I've never actually read the TMM or GMC storybooks).


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Here's the problem.

Nowadays, when they make movies specifically for DVD they don't throw anything away. So any alternate take, lengthy pause, unnecessary exchange, and what have you is added as a bonus feature, or put back into the film. Back then, when all the Muppet films were made, cutting room floor stuff usually got tossed out, unless the director really wanted to keep it as a souvenir. So even if these scenes were around somewhere, best case scenario, they're on a video tape or reel in someone's (possibly someone at Henson) basement, worst case, they've been tossed out before the film went to theaters. So we may never see them. A lot of lost footage remains lost to this day. be they movies or entire episodes of TV shows due to "wiping."


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2010
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Deleted scenes from any of the Muppet films would be very cool!