I saw a couple of foreign-dubbed clips (something about that pink sweetwater being wine from the casks in the Gorgs' basement or something and it floods the Rock).
And they reused the mudbunny's death song? yeah, I saw that one back when it was up in English. made the mistake of mentioning it here.
I've also seen a clip or two of English-language ones, but they aren't there now. Red lacked some subtlety but was decent, Mokey was the same, and Rob Paulsen did a good job as Boober ... but Gobo and Wembley were just weird and my ears bleed at the thought of Junior.
Rob Paulsen is a national treasure. And I'll stare anyone down their face who says different. The problem was that everyone had to work hard to sound relatively enough like the characters... Rob made them his own. he made Boober his own and he made the Trash heap his own. And he especially made Sprocket his own. His voice and acting was the most fluid of the bunch. Gobo was a bit off, considering Jerry has such a unique voice. Junior was... jeez. They couldn't get someone else? No offense to whoever played him... but it's like the did a bad Elmer Fudd and not tried to emulate the loudness and odd range of voice Junior had. And I might as well give a shout out to the Flintstone's John Stephenson who played Doc in the couple episodes I've seen on the Fragle Rock single DVD's.
Oh yeah. If you ever see one of the single DVD's cheap, pick one up. They always have a bonus episode of the cartoon on them.
What I DID admire was stretching out the landscape. The cartoon, I think, did a better job showing how expansive everything might have been meant to be on the live-action show but was fore-shortened for whatever reason. The Great Hall is immense and the Gorg's property looks more like just someone's back yard. It's something I hope will be in the movie ... a sense of openness that is really missing from the live action sets in the show.
That's the magic of not having to make big sets, big extra characters and all that. kind of like the last issue of the first part of the new Fraggle Comics series. The managed to make a story about the Doozers meeting the Gorgs... something that couldn't be done in live action.
That said, WORST Fraggle Rock version? Marvel comics. Nice artwork from Marie Severin... but they just... well... they're fun to get at a garage sale or something cheap as a collectible. But they aren't all that fun to read.