Jay's just a big bully.
Bully? Not even... to me he's being a big baby.
Clearly he WAS ready to give up his show, and had second thoughts about it, and decided the only way he wouldn't look like he was changing his mind too late to do anything about it is to whine that the network was pushing him off the network too fast.
Poppycock! He clearly wasn't ready to leave, and he wanted to keep his show. I liken it to Daffy Duck trying to grab the spotlight when the curtain 8is closing, and someone's pulling him off stage to let someone else have a chance.
Jay never should have had his 10pm show every weeknight. Maybe one a week would have been better, but his success was not from his personality. He had a lot of good lead-ins before the Tonight Show that were deleted when Conan finally got his shot.
I would love to see a compromise where Jay gets some sort of inane game show weekly in a bad slot that they can't fill anyway. He'll still be on the network, and he won't screw up the local station news casts or Conan. Heck, when his show was first announced, our local NBC affiliate was going to just do a 10 PM newscast before it's 11 PM newscast until the national network pushed them to go into another direction.
But looking at THAT news cast? I'd rather see Jay make a fool of himself than cute news puns and alliterations. It's like watching the Springfield Shopper.