Overexposure and the frenzied fuss is what killed SpongeBob for me... I mean, even BEFORE the movie came out, all the kids in school were so SpongeBob made and they were all "You SO HAVE to LOVE SpongeBob!", "SpongeBob is the BEST show of ALL TIME!", "You HAVE to be a SpongeBob fan to be accepted by society!" that they made it IMPOSSIBLE to even like SpongeBob... not to mention the annoyance of that laugh of his, and when the two main characters of the show are complete idiots... yeah, that makes for good times right there.
SpongeBob, to me, become very over-rated, very quickly, and I even began to cringe at those commercials about how SpongeBob made people's lives better (ala that family checking into a hotel with SpongeBob luggage, and all of the bellhops literally fighting each other to be the ones to carry them to the room, or the school teacher who said his SpongeBob lunchbox made his wife's cooking taste better, etc).