I'm telling you guys, after all these years and all these episodes, they have just SERIOUSLY run out of ideas!
I haven't seen any of the new episodes, but I've read synopsises, and gimme a break. "Francine and Muffy make a movie to right the wrong of lack of cool female characters". Seriously? Doesn't that just sound completely forced to you?
And you're right Drtooth, it's nice to show different cultures and such on a show, and teach acceptance and whatnot, but it seems like it's gotten to the point where they're doing something like that about twice a season (the Barneses adopting a Chinese baby girl, Mrs. MacGrady suddenly getting cancer, George meeting a kid with Asperger's Syndrome, etc). But then again, this is something that's even spilled over into primetime television as well; I believe the FCC has a law now that you HAVE to include at least one ethnic character in the cast, otherwise, the show will be seen as being non-inclusive.
And I really need to wonder, why are they airing the seasons in half installments now? The air a week's worth of new episodes like in the spring, then the other half in the fall... it makes it seem more like we're getting more, shorter seasons.
At this point, I highly doubt there's EVER going to be an end to Arthur... it seems like they're just going to keep on going on forever.