It just now struck me - Fran Brill once mentioned how Prairie Dawn suddenly became a victim of circumstrance as far as Jim and Frank's characters are concerned to play off of her need to be "Polly Perfect"; especially where Cookie Monster comes in, even to this day.
She also added that one routine included Cookie Monster always looking under her skirt... now personally, I don't ever recall Cookie doing that to Prairie, and knowing how sensitive they are to censorship eventually (ala phasing out Don Music because he banged his head on his piano, phasing out Jim's number films because the baker fell down the stairs, redoing a lot of Monsterpiece Theater intros because Cookie had a pipe, etc), did they phase that routine out? I wouldn't imagine a routine like that, funny as it might have been or intended, would go over well with parents watching.
She also added that one routine included Cookie Monster always looking under her skirt... now personally, I don't ever recall Cookie doing that to Prairie, and knowing how sensitive they are to censorship eventually (ala phasing out Don Music because he banged his head on his piano, phasing out Jim's number films because the baker fell down the stairs, redoing a lot of Monsterpiece Theater intros because Cookie had a pipe, etc), did they phase that routine out? I wouldn't imagine a routine like that, funny as it might have been or intended, would go over well with parents watching.