I have said this so many times I could scream. I made the prototypes for Master Replicas from the REAL AND ORIGINAL PATTERNS and they where 100% the correct size. It was when they got to the mass production that things changed. Check mine out:
Master Replicas Prototypes
So They where designed accurately from the beginning! after mass is a different story.
Thank you for your time and take care,
Terry Angus
Oh no! Please don't misunderstand me! Terry your work is PHENOMENAL and I look at the pictures of your Gonzo and Fozzie replicas often. I am a huge fan of yours.
Besides that, everyone knows how much I love my MR posers and what a proponent I was for the line. My comment was more pointed than I intended – a side effect of many sleepless nights and a lot of pain relievers, so my apologies if anyone was offended. I certainly didn't mean the "from the beginning" part of my comment to actually mean from all the way back to prototyping.
I'm sure MR did the best they could under the restraints they had and with the problems in mass-producing these buggars. It just seems a great deal more care and attention to detail is now being done by eFX. My props to eFX for doing such a great job.
I guess it's just sour grapes because we're now seeing a "more" accurate version of Kermit than the supposedly accurate version by MR. We spent a lot of money on the MR posers and I think it's understandable to be a little disappointed that a better version is now being made. It just seemed like, with every poser, they strayed farther and farther from being actually accurate. I love my Animal poser, but it's very easy to look at him and know that there really isn't a single thing about him that's truly accurate. I'd really like to see what an eFX version of Gonzo or Animal would look like.
Terry: did you ever create an Animal proto? I know the final proto was done by Muppet Heap but I was curious if you had done one before that.