Kanye West: Proud non-reader.


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Apr 16, 2002
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I think it's a shame that Kayne West says that aobut reading, because although I'm not a fan ("Voice of a generation"...? As if...),
I still say the voice of this generation is Seth MacFarline and penny Arcade web comics...

Know who I wish was a voice of a generation? Bullwinkle. Think about it... everyone walking around uttering puns and historical and literary references every 5 minutes....

My thoughts on this: Kanye West (including his "rap"--all he talks about is how "rich/awesome/amazing/hardcore/amazingly modest" he is--and his "personality") is a pile of...smurf and will never, ever manage to become a 1,000th of the man that Tupac was. That's all I have to say.
That's an insult to Smurfs, by golly.... :mad::sing:


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Know who I wish was a voice of a generation? Bullwinkle. Think about it... everyone walking around uttering puns and historical and literary references every 5 minutes....
*Whistfully*... That would be awesome. O_O Seriously. =D


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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I actually saw on the Fuse channel today that this man actually started the "Kanye West Foundation" and guess what's it's for...to keep kids in school, :concern:
Man I can't believe this guy, he says it's lame to read than goes out and says he wants to keep kids in school, so they can learn to do what? Read, I'm guessing.

This guy has such nerve, :attitude:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Hmmm, well, heh, could be that he's fine with himself not reading, but finds it slightly more difficult to project that lessons to others. Or perhaps he's been covering up his embarrassment over not reading by acting like he's proud of it.


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Aug 8, 2003
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Wow... fifty-two pages about his life? Lol... reminds of how people were moaning over Miley Cyrus writing her own autobiography... and she's only sixteen, she still has her whole life ahead of her!

Personally, I have to agree, now while I'm exactly the biggest reading on the planet, the thing about reading is reading something that interests you - now I've found I'm able to fly through most memoirs and autobios of people I admire (I finished Tom Bergeron's new book in a flash), or books that have a lot of short chapters; meanwhile I quickly lose interest in a book that has LONG chapters, and so few of them. I'm also sorry to say that I was disappointed with Street Gang, not really what I was expecting, and it was rather dry reading, but it DID have a lot of interesting facts and backstories.

Now, about Kanye West... he actually was just recently inducted into the Hollywood Hall of Shame, not only because of his ego problem, but because he THINKS he can sing, but can't (no offense, but I don't consider rap "singing" anyway). What I don't get is this - he's always taking jokes and parodies of the temper-tantrums he throws, yet he just recently said a parody of him on South Park is what made him get his ego back in check... that must have been a short trip, because it sounds like he's back on the ego train.

Lastly... sorry, but I wouldn't consider Seth MacFarlane a voice of our generation either, I think he's got some ego problems of his own as well...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Lastly... sorry, but I wouldn't consider Seth MacFarlane a voice of our generation either, I think he's got some ego problems of his own as well...
That was sort of a joke... everyone one I ever see talks about 2 things... video games and made for adult stoner/ slacker /gamers type cartoons... like the worst of what Adult Swim has to offer. I think Macfarline has ego... but he also has talent. Hard to show when Family Guy degredated to sloppiness, fan service (not the original fans that made the show, mind you... the people that thought they were cool watching it a year after it was brought back) and turning it into the Stewie loves Brian adventure hour... C'mon! Stewie was a MUCH better character when he was trying to kill everyone, and not just saying unfunny things in unfunny accents... that's Simpsons territory. Somehow, I think he lost control of his own show, but doesn't care since it makes him a ton of money.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
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Hard to show when Family Guy degredated to sloppiness, fan service (not the original fans that made the show, mind you... the people that thought they were cool watching it a year after it was brought back) and turning it into the Stewie loves Brian adventure hour... C'mon! Stewie was a MUCH better character when he was trying to kill everyone, and not just saying unfunny things in unfunny accents... that's Simpsons territory. Somehow, I think he lost control of his own show, but doesn't care since it makes him a ton of money.
I couldn't agree w/ you more Drtooth. FG isn't as good as it used to be, and I'm sick of all the Stewie/Brian plots. The new eps suck. :grouchy:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I couldn't agree w/ you more Drtooth. FG isn't as good as it used to be, and I'm sick of all the Stewie/Brian plots. The new eps suck. :grouchy:
Seems like they were getting better for a while too. I guess it's like the Simpsons... you have so many episodes a year, most of them seem rushed and klunky... there are some really bad ones... but there are several episodes a season that are real gems. I like how they were actually getting back to doing stories... like Road to Europe and that one where they showed Peter's previous life. it seems like it's getting real good again... but still... no American Dad. They have some sharp people on that show. The head writer was the ex-head writer for Pepper Ann... one of the Sharpest One Saturday Morning shows.

Come to think of it... a LOT of cartoonists/comic guys have tremendous egos... John K, who's work I love, comes across as an arrogant blowhard/ bitter toonist who does nothing but say how every cartoon except for ones done by his friends and ones done by Bob Clampett suck (and he HATE HATE HATES cartoon writers... I blame Filmation for that one)... Peter Laird... don't get me started on him.... there are a couple others that I can't name at the moment, though....


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Seems like they were getting better for a while too. I guess it's like the Simpsons... you have so many episodes a year, most of them seem rushed and klunky... there are some really bad ones... but there are several episodes a season that are real gems. I like how they were actually getting back to doing stories... like Road to Europe and that one where they showed Peter's previous life. it seems like it's getting real good again... but still... no American Dad. They have some sharp people on that show. The head writer was the ex-head writer for Pepper Ann... one of the Sharpest One Saturday Morning shows.

Come to think of it... a LOT of cartoonists/comic guys have tremendous egos... John K, who's work I love, comes across as an arrogant blowhard/ bitter toonist who does nothing but say how every cartoon except for ones done by his friends and ones done by Bob Clampett suck (and he HATE HATE HATES cartoon writers... I blame Filmation for that one)... Peter Laird... don't get me started on him.... there are a couple others that I can't name at the moment, though....
John K has friends?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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John K has friends?
Ralph Bakshi for example... and Bruce Timm to name a few. I agree with some of his ideals... but most of it seems like bitterness that no one wants to have to work with him. Which is a right shame, since I would really love to see more of his kinda cartoons on TV at some point. I really wish Adult swim didn't pass up He-Hog for "Loud Pop Culture from the 80's with Sexual Jokes and Drug References Show #23."