Hello... A few words from a member of the moderators here at MC.
1 We allow for argumentation on MC, voicing opinions for and against on a variety of topics, so far as those views are posted in a civil manner. The posts that were deleted created a flame war or fight between members, one of the primary goals we attempt to nip here in order to have an orderly forum.
2 We are not in the habit of furthering discussion of the parties to such an act after they have been contacted privately. That makes the person feel even more angered towards the root cause.
3 Keep in mind that we work hard to maintain a level of balance throughout the entire forums. So when a batch of posts are deleted like this, we would appreciate some respect for ensuring a workable medium rather than criticism for censorship, which is not our intention.
Because of all the above, with due apologies to Ravagefrackle, this thread will be closed. It saddens me when a thread gets hijacked and spirals out of control into infighting, causing its quick demise.
Hope you all understand.