Six Degrees of Seperation - Extreme Eddition!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Or: How I (kinda, almost, not quite, but nearly) met ReneeLouiver from MC

You know how everyone is supposed to be just 6 people away from anyone in the world? Well today a friend from church came up to me to say that they'd added me on Facebook (which could be considered mildly stalkerish, but never mind that for now :stick_out_tongue:). What's MORE interesting is that they said they had a mutual friend on Facebook and that it was virtually impossible for me to know them!

You see, this person from church comes from America and she grew up in a small part of it, and went to school with RENEELOUIVER the MC member!

Aside from the fact I had a hard job explaining just *how* I knew Renee (some sort of Muppet site thing with Muppets) what an amazing coincidence!

So what occured to me, is that probably all of us know at least one person who knows, knew or has met at least one other MC member. And the weird part is, most of the time we'll never know.

Bea:zany:{And the world spins right round, right round}regard


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Or: How I (kinda, almost, not quite, but nearly) met ReneeLouiver from MC

You know how everyone is supposed to be just 6 people away from anyone in the world? Well today a friend from church came up to me to say that they'd added me on Facebook (which could be considered mildly stalkerish, but never mind that for now :stick_out_tongue:). What's MORE interesting is that they said they had a mutual friend on Facebook and that it was virtually impossible for me to know them!

You see, this person from church comes from America and she grew up in a small part of it, and went to school with RENEELOUIVER the MC member!

Aside from the fact I had a hard job explaining just *how* I knew Renee (some sort of Muppet site thing with Muppets) what an amazing coincidence!

So what occured to me, is that probably all of us know at least one person who knows, knew or has met at least one other MC member. And the weird part is, most of the time we'll never know.

Bea:zany:{And the world spins right round, right round}regard
Very strange indeed and very cool! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Wow! Now THAT is weird, but darn awesome! :excited: How... amazing!

The Shoe Fairy

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Lol that is so weird. I think that the theory is cool, but it also kinda scares me when I know a someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows me. It's like, My Dad's friend's Dad was the Prime Minister of Australia for a short time.
Even, Weirder, and this just scares me, is that my Grandad's Cousin was the Govenor-General of Canada for quite a long time.And it was in modern History too. o_0


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Lol that is so weird. I think that the theory is cool, but it also kinda scares me when I know a someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows me. It's like, My Dad's friend's Dad was the Prime Minister of Australia for a short time.
Even, Weirder, and this just scares me, is that my Grandad's Cousin was the Govenor-General of Canada for quite a long time.And it was in modern History too. o_0
Whoa! Weird! *Cue Twighlight Zone music*

A friend of mine talks to this chick online. Doesn't know her in person, but yeah. And this chick knows this dude, but doesn't know him in person, either (phew! Got that?). Anyway, my friend became really matey with the dude, and she told me his email and I was like, "hang on... that guy went to my primary school!"

And once, I went to a good friend of mine's debutante (sp?) a couple of years back. and there were lots of other people there too, including some family friends of the girl. My friend, Liah (who I met at the deb) knew of of them...

Me: "why do you keep glaring at that guy unblinkingly. D'ya like him or something?"
Liah: "What's he doing here?"
Me: "he's a family friend.."
Liah: "AND he's my karate teacher!"

Freaky-deaky, no?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small, small world...

Now that I've annoyed you all by putting that song in your heads - I have to say, Beau, that is crazy! But also very cool!