I gotcha. In the big picture, PBS would be considered network television but it's not paid for by big corporate sponsors and advertising like the networks. I work in the DVD industry and deal with every station/company out there so I assure you, I know the difference, but it doesn't surprise me you've had to explain the difference to the common person.
Again, I didn't want a bout of semantics.
The funny thing is, though, when they had the network anniversary specials (20 and Still Counting, That 30th one, and Elmopalooza) they tried their best to make it feel like Sesame Street. Sure, less so with Elmopalooza than the others. But then again, they were going for a retrospective feel for the first 2, and they seem to have had more creative control over it. Plus, Special Christmas was their first break outside of PBS... but you gotta admit, they could have made it a little more memorable.