There have been older people (sometimes in their late teens, early 20's) who have acted that GTA is real... my understanding is that if you're not mature or intellegent enough to distinguish between reality and fiction, you shouldn't be exposed to any fiction. And if you're still having that conflict at an older age, you need professional help.Hmmm..well, kids that end up shooting others usually have bigger troubles than the fact that they played shooting video games. I played DOOM since I was 12 years old and I did not grow up to be a murderer. My vote goes for the lack of understanding and help from others that the child maybe did not get that they in place of that support filled with time playing video games...But meh, back on topic...
But back on the subject... I really see a "Batman Begins" style Robin as a younger boy who's blood thirsty for revenge (similar to Batman) after the murder of his parents, and winds u[p coming very close to getting himself killed until batman intervenes and takes him under his wing. Though, i'd prefer NO Robin.
As for Batgirl... well, if you look at the Dark Knight closely, Gordon's wife is holding 2 children closely. You only see the boy... but you just can make the girl out. She's the one that becomes Batgirl, right? Unless the next film takes place 10 years or so in the future, BatGirl wouldn't even fit in.