Ho ho ho...I just thought up of something a bit...um...
For some reason, this video and the song itself makes The Muppet Show come into my mind (I don’t know why, but it does). So…how about these guys do a music video/song similar to the one above. But it’d involve them running around inside the Muppet Theater (mingling around Backstage, onstage, Muppet Labs, Electric Mayhem bandstand, Dance room, Dressing Room) and on a NYC town, all while being chased by a gigantic green monster. It’ll mix select footage from all 5 seasons of the show with the new footage, and the most odd thing would be that there’d be no Muppets at all (except for several posters, frames and billboards in the background, and the monster, who’s not really a character but more of a prop; he’d sort of look like a deformed Cookie Monster).
Posters, pictures and billboards include:
Miss Piggy
Swedish Chef
Jim Henson Muppet
…and there’d be a flashing Kermit head signal throughout the video
Very cheeky idea, eh?
But really, what I WOULD love to see happen is the Disney Channel having a section devoted to the Muppets; I’m not sure about the schedule, but they’d air The Muppet Show, along with Muppet Babies, and all the movies (plus the non-theatrical ones), all complete, unedited and restored. Hey, I figure this would be a lot easier for those who haven’t bought the Season DVDs and/or can’t afford to (I haven’t bought Season 3 yet, and there’s no way I’m able to either)
And another thing: If they ever rerelease The Muppet Movie on DVD, they should throw in more, better extras on there---like the deleted scenes we’ve heard about (that picture with Statler and Waldorf riding a camel in the desert being one of them), and even behind the scenes footage of the “Rainbow Connection” finale, if that [or any] does exist (maybe Tim or WasOnceErnie can confirm this?)