You know, I don't really think we have much to worry about when all is said and done. There's a few scenerios I see that could play out.
1. HIT Entertainment does indeed release the complete series boxset on Nvember 4th as planned, but along with it they also release a stand alone Season 4 set. There will be special features compraible to the first three seasons, however, the series boxset will have some added material that is not available anywhere else. The catch on this particular scenerio is that the stand alone Season 4 will be released with absolutely no fanfare or promotion to it. They'll advertise the series boxset, but low and behold, Season 4 will pop out of nowhere along side it on the store shelf.
2. November 4th will see the release of the complete series box set, but no Season 4 to be found. However, a few weeks later, there it is, Season 4 as a stand alone set. This too, is released in the shadow of the complete series advertisements.
3. We'll get the series set this fall and the stand alone Season 4 will be released to coincide with the theatrical release of the movie.
I'll be buying both and will be pre-ordering both as soon as they're available on I might have to sacrifice my Simpsons seasons DVDs to do it, but for the Fraggles, tis a worthy sacrifice to make. Besides, the daunting thought of having to buy 19+ seasons (I say having to buy because I'm a completionist when it comes to things such as this, so I HAVE to have the all) of any TV show kind of hurts to think about.
Personally, I see the first scenerio as the most likely. Why then, might you ask, would HIT not aknowledge the release of Season 4 as a stand alone set? Well, simply put, their hoping all us Fraggle fans will purchase the complete series set before seeing that Season 4 is available on it's own. That, or they know us Fraggle fans tend to be a little crazy and will purchase both the stand alone and complete series sets because one of them comes with a little something extra that you don't get in the other (I'm totally guilty on that one). Either way, when it comes right down to it, I firmly believe that we will eventually see a Season 4 stand alone, whether it's advertised beforhand or not. However, we might just have to wait a while (something which would be very ahrd to do knowing that it is available in the series set).