Have any of you laughed at all the nonsense and tricks he plays on poor Bert. Like when he tricks Bert by drinking his soda by innocently saying he doesn't know how to use the drinking straw. Or after an argument of who has the bigger slice of pizza and more grapedrink, Ernie decides to even it out only in resulting that Ernie eats the pizza and drinks the juice. Not to mention when Ernie has trouble sleeping, he counts fire engines that has a loud siren to awake the whole neighborhood, as well as counting a balloon that shakes the bedroom upon it popping from being inflatated too much.
Now I know why Bert feels the way he does, and at times, he may be tempted to just toss Ernie's rubber duckie out the window, since the squeek probably drives him crazy.
But Ernie's laugh is something memorable and funny.
Now I know why Bert feels the way he does, and at times, he may be tempted to just toss Ernie's rubber duckie out the window, since the squeek probably drives him crazy.

But Ernie's laugh is something memorable and funny.