Video Games Over The Years:
The first video game unit I had was Pong.
In the early 80s, my brother and I wanted Atari 2600, and my parents wouldn't buy it for us. So we had a yard sale & made a little over $124. My parents bought us Atari 2600, my brother bought Chopper Command & I bought Ms. Pac-Man. We had over a hundred games in total. I would go into his room every chance I got & play whatever game that thrilled me that day. I was addicted to: E.T., Pitfall, Dig Dug, Chopper Command, Adventure, Kaboom, Berserk.
In the mid 80s, I took computer programming at a local JCC, and my dad bought me a Texas Instrument(TI-99 4A) computer. There were several games we had to program in DOS. One game, was like Fantastic Voyage, to rid the body of germs,etc...
My brother had C64, he had a lot of sports games & I had adventure games.
In the early 90s, my brother had NES & I had SNES. I remember Duck Hunt, Super Mario Brothers, Caeser's Palace, Zoop.
I had Kingdom Hearts for PS2, it gave me motion sickness.
I was also of the arcade/pinball generation, preferably Atari games. My family would go to the local malls & at Ocean City, and my brother and I would play for hours at a time. I enjoyed Tapper, Galaxian, Tempest. I remember watching my brother play Dragon's Lair.
I grew up on a lot of video game for the PC, mostly puzzle, adventure & card games: Monkey Island, Darkseed, Maniac Mansion.
Nowadays, I'm over at, playing puzzle, casino & sports games. Games help me relax & ease my stress.