I turned it on for a total of 3 secons and turned it off. I usually give a show longer than that to judge if I like it or not. I could just tell it wasnt worth my time. I guess it was the animation and the characters really looked nothing like the original. I'm really picky with animation.I have no real desire to see this. I saw that new Speed Racer cartoon on Nicktoons Network and I thought it was terrible.
Ahem.. of course the characters look nothing like the original. they aren't the original characters. They're the second generation. But then again, the 1993 American Speed Racer character Designs were hit or miss. Trixie was terrible. She was made into a Blonde (American. Hah!) with ugly 1990's hair.I guess it was the animation and the characters really looked nothing like the original. I'm really picky with animation.
Ah, I was thinking it was like, a remake of the original, with the same characters.Ahem.. of course the characters look nothing like the original. they aren't the original characters. They're the second generation. But then again, the 1993 American Speed Racer character Designs were hit or miss. Trixie was terrible. She was made into a Blonde (American. Hah!) with ugly 1990's hair.
Special effects don't determine if a movie is good or not. Look at Roland Emmerich's movies. The special effects are amazing, but the movies are mediocre. And Elijah Wood would've been a much better actor to play Speed instead of some guy I've never heard of. And has anyone even seen Snake Oiler? He looks like a darn arabian terrorist (nothing against arabians), and they got some guy named Christian Oliver (who the heck is he?) to play him. And they got Rex Racer (Racer X)'s back story so wrong. If you watched the cartoon, you'd know that Rex Racer ran away from home after a fight with Pops Racer, but in the movie, it says he was rumored to be dead from an automobile accident. I've been talking to so many die hard Speed Racer fans on Myspace, and even they agree with me that this movie is bound to be a total train wreck. In fact, I'm hoping that Iron Man will destroy it, and make everyone forget about this movie. And The Matrix was the only good movie The Wachowski Bros. made. The Matrix Reloaded was bad, The Matrix Revolutions was even worse, and V for Vendetta, what was that? That was so bad. Why couldn't they get a director that's been in the business longer like Steve Spielberg, Joe Dante, Ron Howard, or somebody like that? John Goodman belongs in mediocre, cliche comedies like Blues Brothers 2000 and Coyote Ugly. Emile Hirsch was in that movie Alpha Dog, which is one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. Who cares if Bruce Willis was in it. Plus I had never heard of him prior to hearing he was playing Speed. If I had asked any of my friends who Emile Hirsch was, they'd probably say "Who?". Also, wasn't Vince Vaughn supposed to play Racer X? Why'd they get some guy from Lost that I've never heard of to play him instead? Just to impress the girls? I'm so dissappointed. A movie needs more than mind blowing special effects to be good. That's my two cents.
Friday will be the test. Many people thought Iron Man would be a hard sell to mainstream audiences because it is less recognizable than Superman, Batman, Spiderman or the Hulk, but audiences gave it over $100 million its opening weekend. Will Speed knock it down to 2nd place or will it fizzle out of the gate? My vote - it will bank nicely at the number one spot this weekend. The ads have people intrigued. However, it's always the 2nd and following weeks that predict how a film connects with viewers. The ads can get it so far, but after that it's all about word-of-mouth.
Well, I've seen "The New Adventures of Speed Racer", witch wasn't that bad to me. But I've never seen "Speed Racer: The Next Generation" before.I have no real desire to see this. I saw that new Speed Racer cartoon on Nicktoons Network and I thought it was terrible.