LOL! It's funny that, I mean... I know quite a few European people (mostly Italian), who love their wine and stuff, but you never seen 'em drunk. I think it's good to expose your kids to alcahol to some degree. Like, I remember seeing my parents drinking a fair bit (they're not alcaholics, lol, they're sensible drinkers) when I was younger, but it's never really influenced me. And even tohugh I'm not 18 yet, they let me try things and stuff, even when I was quite young, and people may go, "how irresponsible!" but it's not, I think it's healthy to expose your kids to a bit of it, as long as your not stupid about it.
And LOL! I gotta be more careful with my hair, it's not as long as it used to be, but it's still pretty long ("flow it, show it, long and God can grow it!" XP), but I still gotta be a bit cautious, heh.