I'm going to kinda agree with Frogboy on this one. I have problems with organized religions, myself. The Catholic Church I can respect, dispite not being Catholic. I do not agree with quite a bit of what it says (which I won't get into), but I can respect what they're talking about. I'm not even going into Branch religions, since some branches were created so people can do rotten things in the name of God. One branch came out of the Civil War specifically to let them keep holding and mistreating slaves.
I think the problem is people focus on the wrong sins, and ignore the big ones. Sure, honoring God, Jesus, Mohammed, etc. is the most important, but fat lot of good that will do you if you're evil to your fellow man. Remember, the KKK goes to church too, as do religious extremists. Following God doesn't mean you'll get a free pass to heaven. It's not what God tells you to do that's important, it's how you do it.
To me, the 7 Deadly sins aren't even sins, but warnings. It all goes to one of my personal beliefs, that you won't get punnished by going to hades (can't say the real one, and this is the only one that still packs a dark wallop), you get punnished by falling into your own pit. Eating a lot of food will not get you a billion years in the frier, it will cause health problems. Greed makes a person do horrible things, and lose their true self. Envy can seriously cripple and depress a person over time. Even speaking outside of religion, the 7 deadlies are basically a guidline. Something to try to avoid. As I said earlier, we're only human. We fall into these traps all the time. The lesson is to learn from the mistakes, and live your life better with as little of them as possible.
That said, I think the enviornmental responsibility thing (following the "things to watch out for" pattern) is a no brainer to add. I actually can't believe certain factions of a certain branch of religion actually find biblical excuses for people to pollute the planet. Thinking religiously, God gave the earth to all its inhabitants, and therefore we have to share it with the other creatures and future generations. Out of a religious context... do you want to walk down a street full of doritos wrappers, dog excriment, and plastic toy blister packages?
I think people are focusing on cars too much. Carrying around a reusable bag for groceries and peddling a bike to work is only relevant if you don't toss your trash all over the place. We need to move towards vehicles that use as little oil as possible, but so far, the big move over has been sluggish. And it don't mean a thing if big companies toss crap in the water, and shoot tons of smoke into the air.