One-time newbie turned MC graphic designer
I remember my days as a "newbie" here at Muppet Central Forum. Well, actually it was located at the old Delphi forums, but I digress. I had been a longtime viewer of forum content before actually posting. Finally I signed up and started posting and did not feel welcomed as I was expecting from a Muppet-themed forum.
Some adjustments had to do with my being new to posting in forums in general. There were definitely some faux pas made. Still, other problems had to do with entrenched cliques who didn't feel like sharing their space so easily with others. Some of those folk are gone now while others have become friends even after awkward beginnings.
Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying anyone was particularly mean, but passions can run high online and some feel that they can say things under a cloak of anonymity that they can't in their daily lives. Also when typing - tone and inflection can easily be misconstrued. Smilies can help that.
Either way, it's best not to get too worked up. I can let things bother me sometimes and try to remember that it is the common interest of Muppets that bring us all together here. That usually does the trick!
However humble beginnings we all make on Muppet Central, we all contribute something that makes this a fun and colorful place unlike any other on the web!