Yeah Snowth, I don't like Bush either, but I didn't see his name anywhere in the article.

And I hope those students and their parents got some sort of compinsation or something!
I didn't say Bush was mentioned in the article, but when I read that these kids had to report to school ON A SATURDAY for detention, and after hearing from a friend of mine who also told me about having to attend school on Saturdays... well, who else would think of something so inhumane like that than Bush? I mean, kids already have to spend seven hours a day for five days out of the week having knowledge shoved down their throats (okay, okay, I'm exaggerating a bit, I know), then they get only two days a week to take a break, but even those days are consumed with things like Saturday chores, brief road trips, visiting relatives or something, and if you're religious, there's church services on Sundays, and Sunday School.
I mean, I realize today's children have trouble learning because they're coming from homes with uneducated, under-aged, slacker parents who don't give a $h!+ about their children, so they spend their school days goofing off, not paying attention, earning such grades as Ds and Us (or Fs if you're old school), but there ARE other methods at making the school system a bit more strict; because I honestly don't think extending the school week to six days is going to help, actually, I think it'll make things worse.