The Brand New Ask Jim Lewis Thread


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Hi Jim, its Colby agian. My question is, what are the top three Muppets you like to write material for?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Hey Jim! It's Ryan! Do you know how well Pepe's book is selling? Hopefully like hotcakes, okay!

Also... on Muppets Tonight, was it difficult to come up with SO many new characters--so many one-note new characters--without the established characters of Kermit, Piggy, and Fozzie there to back up the mayhem? It seems like Gonzo and Rizzo were seen more than Kermit, and even THEY weren't around that much. Was it a conscious decision to faze out some of the older characters and let the newer ones try to take the helm? Or did it just happen that way?

And I'm sending these questions right now, gang!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Questions for Jim Lewis – November 18, 2008

From BobthePizzaBoy…

Perhaps as a fellow writer, can you talk a bit about the thought process of putting a new character in a pre-existing universe is like? After all, this happens with the Muppets all the time.

You never know. A character that works on the page or even just goofing around on set can sometime work wonderfully well when added to the mix…and sometimes just never finds their footing. I, for instance, loved Miss Piggy’s relatives, Andy and Randy Pig. But when we put them on “Muppets Tonight” they just became too one-note annoying for everyone’s taste. Same result (for different reasons) with Mister Poodlepants. And on the flip side, there’s Pepe, who comes across with such style right from the git-go. He fits in with the other pre-established characters, and adds his own spicy flavor to the mix. It’s a wonderment.

From AnimatedC9000…
Okay, new question... do you have any projects that you worked on that you remember fondly? (In other words, have any favorite Muppet projects that you worked on?)

I love ‘em all. Seriously. It’s a lot of fun when you’ve finally gone through the script a dozen times and everyone is happy and then there it is being shot. That’s still a thrill. But if I had to pick one, it would be the first: “Hey You’re as Funny As Fozzie Bear,u201D a home video where I first worked with Jim Henson and Frank Oz. Doesn’t get more wonderful. They even asked my opinion! Didn’t take it…but at least they asked.

From TogetherAgain…
JIM! Jim Lewis ol' buddy ol' pal ol' friend, it's TogetherAgain again--I love saying that--with a VERY important question! It is a question that we, the Obsessed Muppet Fans, are DESPERATE to have answered! It would spare us all great STRESS and ANXIETY and WRINKLES and BALDING and GRAY HAIRS (or white, as the case may be) and OTHER signs of PREMATURE AGING if you would just be so VERY kind and do us the honor of ANSWERING this ALL IMPORTANT QUESTION!

...Was I a little too over-the-top there? WAIT! NO! That's not the question! The question IS! ...When Kermit is blogging, what are all the pictures of on the wall behind him? We're especially curious about the black-and-white one above the stamp picture and next to the Muppet Christmas Carol poster. THANKS JIM!

No. You are never ever too over the top.
And as for the pictures, I can definitively say I haven’t a clue.
Ask anytime. Glad I could help!

From Oscarfan…
I've got a question! Who wrote the material for the Whatnot's on The Today Show?

Myself and Craig Shemin….with much foolishness added by the amazing array of performers on set that day. I’d mention them all but I’d forget someone and then they’d hate me.

From AnimatedC9000…
Dear Jim,

If you won a cruise trip to the Bahamas and were told that you could invite 5 Muppets, who would they be and why?

The Swedish Chef. He can cook for us. Rowlf. He can play the piano all night in the lounge. Fozzie Bear. For the jokes, of course. Miss Piggy. So I didn’t get thrown overboard for not inviting her. And Kermit. Who can swim and save me if Piggy throws me overboard anyway.

From Colbynfriends…
Hi Jim, it’s Colby again. My question is who are the top three Muppets you like to write material for?

Fozzie for the jokes…which don’t have to be good. Come to think of it, that’s what I do best – not good jokes.
Pepe for the wisecracks. Cause that attitude of his is so exhilarating to throw around.
And Statler & Waldorf (as one choice). Because I’m getting old and grumpy, so writing for them is now second nature. (And he’s still lousy at it! – S&W)

From theprawncracker…
Hey Jim! It's Ryan! Do you know how well Pepe's book is selling? Hopefully like hotcakes, okay!

I’ve heard good things about the sales. I am personally responsible for making sure it gets a prominent display at the local book store, and for talking it up (loudly) to those nearby. May I suggest you all do the same.

Also... on Muppets Tonight, was it difficult to come up with SO many new characters--so many one-note new characters--without the established characters of Kermit, Piggy, and Fozzie there to back up the mayhem? It seems like Gonzo and Rizzo were seen more than Kermit, and even THEY weren't around that much. Was it a conscious decision to phase out some of the older characters and let the newer ones try to take the helm? Or did it just happen that way?

Coming up with new characters (see my answer above) is always an “iffy” proposition. As for Muppets Tonight’s character mix: this was the result of two factors – (1) a desire to introduce new characters, shake things up, give performers a chance to try their hand at something different. And (2) it was still relatively soon after Jim’s passing, so many of his characters were not available at the time. (Also, Eric wasn’t yet doing Piggy and Fozzie and Animal, so those characters were only available when Frank was available.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008
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From AnimatedC9000…
Dear Jim,

If you won a cruise trip to the Bahamas and were told that you could invite 5 Muppets, who would they be and why?

The Swedish Chef. He can cook for us. Rowlf. He can play the piano all night in the lounge. Fozzie Bear. For the jokes, of course. Miss Piggy. So I didn’t get thrown overboard for not inviting her. And Kermit. Who can swim and save me if Piggy throws me overboard anyway.
Good call there, Jimbo. XP

Now... well, I can't think of any questions at the moment. Any questions that you would like to ask us, Mr. Lewis?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Now... well, I can't think of any questions at the moment. Any questions that you would like to ask us, Mr. Lewis?
I second that. that'd be interesting.
But on the other hand, I have another question. If the Muppets were going to act out another famous book, which one would you choose?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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From theprawncracker…
Hey Jim! It's Ryan! Do you know how well Pepe's book is selling? Hopefully like hotcakes, okay!

I’ve heard good things about the sales. I am personally responsible for making sure it gets a prominent display at the local book store, and for talking it up (loudly) to those nearby. May I suggest you all do the same.
One of our local stores has brought various Muppet dvds back for the Christmas Sales, and you'll be proud to here that what was a pile of Muppet Movies, was swiftly divided across the entire Chart dvds section. Like James Bond...I snuck in there and created an entire Muppet section...Shhh!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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One of our local stores has brought various Muppet dvds back for the Christmas Sales, and you'll be proud to here that what was a pile of Muppet Movies, was swiftly divided across the entire Chart dvds section. Like James Bond...I snuck in there and created an entire Muppet section...Shhh!
Well i didn't do anything to the display at work, but we put out Muppet Cristmas Carol out for Christmas and two days latter they are all sold out! Now Granted there where only 4 or 5 there, but still! People want the Muppets. Anyways
My question On the Muppets take over Today It seemed almost like a mix of The Jim Henson Hour and Muppets Tonight. Was that planed that way, or going into it did you kind of have any idea where you where going with it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Jim, I have a question about The Diva Code... if you can't answer this that's fine but I was just wondering if the format of the book going to be like Before You Leap or like It's Hard Out Here For A Shrimp?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
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Just a random question I was wondering, do muppets... you know, die?
I'm probably forgetting some really obvious answer but I can't think of it at the moment. :big_grin:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Hi Jim! I was just wondering if the Diva Code will have photographs of the pig and if so will there be any new ones?

I also wanted to know if you had considered writing a Fozzie Bear joke book. That would be an interesting project! :embarrassed:

Thanks for your time.