Well This is a New One...


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Aug 8, 2003
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... Or at least to me...

So anyway, you know how there's all these kind of supertisions like if you break a mirror, you'll have seven years of bad luck, or if you flip your mattress on a Friday, you won't have a good night's sleep until the next time you flip it, or even if you leave out some food and milk for the pixies, they'll be nice to you and help you out with chores and stuff.

Well anyway, here's one I just heard from my mom: apparent her hair stylist's husband (who guess what? Is Canadian!) hasn't taken down his Christmas tree yet, because he believes in this supertision that if you take down your tree before New Year's Day, you'll have bad luck for the rest of the year.

Have any of you guys heard of it? Do you believe it?

Personally, we always leave out tree up through New Year's, but not because of this supertision, but rather because it's a family tradition.


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Sep 16, 2002
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Well, if you celebrate Christmas for religious reasons, technically Christmas doesn't end until January 6th (when the Wisemen came :smile: ). We do take our tree down a bit sooner (since it will probably start to wilt before then). We do leave it up through New Years though.

I don't believe in superstitions, period. They're just for amusement, if anything. :smile:


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Jun 11, 2006
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And my husbands family has the opposite tradition that if it is still up on New Years, you'll have a bad year.

That drives them crazy with me as I do leave my tree and nativity up until the epiphany (when the wise men came).


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I don't believe in superstitions Snowthy. Frankly I believe that they are silly notions that Satan uses to distract us from trusting in God. We end up fearing that certain things will bring us bad luck and we fail to display any faith that God can help us whatever happens during the day at all. Or we try to do things that supposedly cancel out a curse and guarantee us good luck. Again we are looking to something other than God for support and assistance in our everyday life.
I don't need to fear or rely upon stupid superstition when I've got God on my side. Satan cannot intimidate me. Nobody else should allow the old Devil to inflict them either.


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Apr 18, 2004
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I don't believe in superstitions Snowthy. Frankly I believe that they are silly notions that Satan uses to distract us from trusting in God. We end up fearing that certain things will bring us bad luck and we fail to display any faith that God can help us whatever happens during the day at all. Or we try to do things that supposedly cancel out a curse and guarantee us good luck. Again we are looking to something other than God for support and assistance in our everyday life.
I don't need to fear or rely upon stupid superstition when I've got God on my side. Satan cannot intimidate me. Nobody else should allow the old Devil to inflict them either.
Amen, brotha! AMEN!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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We end up fearing that certain things will bring us bad luck and we fail to display any faith that God can help us whatever happens during the day at all...we are looking to something other than God for support and assistance in our everyday life.
I agree, very true. Believing in bad luck goes against faith, and also goes against human intellect. I don't personally think the Devil sets up superstitions. I think humans are capable of making unwise decisions all on their own, heh.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
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Well anyway, here's one I just heard from my mom: apparent her hair stylist's husband (who guess what? Is Canadian!) hasn't taken down his Christmas tree yet, because he believes in this supertision that if you take down your tree before New Year's Day, you'll have bad luck for the rest of the year.

Have any of you guys heard of it? Do you believe it?
My mom JUST finished taking down our tree, and she told me about the whole "bad luck" thing. This is my first time hearing about it. I guess you can learn something new everyday...:halo:

And yes, I pretty much believe any superstision....:zany:


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Surely Haralde, you meant that superstitions are just entertaining to you, and to most other people in this culture at this time, right? Remember that superstitions had to start somewhere, and they did serve a deeper social purpose at one time.
No, I've never heard that particular one, and we also leave our tree up 'til the 6th out of tradition.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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You know, what the heck is the bother of a Christmas tree if you buy it 3 days before Thanksgiving, and by the time it actually is Christmas, it's brown and falling apart? My mother also keeps the tree up until after ephiphany. Sometimes a week later...Narf...

Mainly because she never buys it until a wekk (at the earliest) before Christmas, and it never gets decorated until Christmas eve. Mainly because she never sleans the hous until then.

As for superstitians, they do have route in certain beliefs, and were relevant in those times. in fact, a lot of the superstitions come from repeated exposure to one thing, and bad happenings getting associated with it every time. I have a superstition... but... uh... I can't discuss it at all. It's weird and a private matter.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Well, my tree came down this past weekend, my cat wouldn't leave it alone so it was just time. But, I am also one who doesn't believe in superstitions, though I think they are interesting. My nativity is still up though as others have mentioned, for the religious we wait until Epiphany for that. I also left out my penguins, since they are a winter type creature. :zany: