...and, these idiots don't even realize (or never bothered to) is that 1) Cookie Monster eats/has eaten waaay more than just cookies. Plus, he has been promoting healthy eating way back before the rumor even started. The "Cookie is a Sometimes Food" was only a one-time skit and if anybody's actually seen the entire 36th season, he was still eating cookies.
And 2) Oscar is a Grouch, which is not only his personality but also (and more importantly) is his species. He is/was created to show that there are people who are different---having different perspectives and tastes, culture and whatnot, and that there's nothing bad about being grouchy.
There were statements like this in books like The Works and even this one from the rare book, "All About Sesame Street" (which is also a very good book by the way):
A character such as Oscar makes children aware of their own and other people's feelings, both negative and positive. He conveys that it is all right to be grouchy sometimes, or mad, sad, or silly---everybody is at one time one or the other. People have to accept you for what you are. When Oscar is grouchy, the other people on the street lean over backwards to understand and humor him.
And yet, I still don't see how "old school Sesame Street" would be inappropriate for today's kids. Come on, it's Sesame Street, not (insert show for mature audiences here). All SS ever did was teach concepts like letters, numbers, opposites, and whatnot through groovy, psychadelic cartoons, films, songs..where was the harm in that?