I'm talking about spirits that might play tricks on you, or pull pranks on you when you least expect it.
I realized that Snowthy, but I just simply felt I had to testify to the Holy Spirit's work. God was leading me.
Seriously in the context of your actual topic I can share something.
My mother told me sometime was I was about mid-way through my teenage years I used to complain about seeing a man I didn't like hanging around the house when I was small. None of the grown-ups could see him but I could and I did not like him. Often I would give everybody a shock when they were sitting around having a cuppa with friends, watching television or whatever by suddenly crying out angrily "What's this man doing here?" pointing at him. This went on for a long time until eventually one day my younger brother Gary came out of the spare bedroom as white as a sheet looking terrified crying that there was a strange man inside there. That was the first time my brother had ever seen the man and it was the last straw for Mum. She went to the entrance of the spare bedroom, opened a packet of dry holy water crystals or something and shook it, sprinkling the crystals here, there and everywhere around the room.
After that the strange man was never seen by me or Gary again.