y--y-y-y-yugh! I really hope the Spin off doesn't happen if that's the case. I mean, not only is she instantly recognizable (something that made the Office work. When it started out, none of them were big stars. Maybe Steve, but he wasn't hal;f as big as he is today), but she just doesn't do that straightfaced comedy that the Office is famous for. She pretty much is used to more cartoonish characters. The characters she performs on SNL, The mother of the Queen Bee in Mean girls... all really exaggerated cartoony figures. I mean, it's not because I'm not really a fan of hers (I don't care for her, but she can be funny given the right project), it's that I just don't see her making it as believable.I heard Amy Polar is suppose to star in the spin-off...
I mean, you could say the characters in the Office are exaggerated... Michael's childish behavior, Dwight's... uh... creepiness and sometimes jarring oddness... but they make them so believable as actual co-workers and as real people you could meet in real life. I think a lot of the Office's success and tone (both the US and British versions) is attributed to films like This Is Spinal tap. They can clearly be cartoony, but they are just so believable. You're not watching a fictitious show... you're watching a documentary. You need the realism.