I don't think there is a thread like this, but I really love the idea! Great thread, SSLFan!
My day at school today was very long, but rather entertaining I suppose. I've got a physics test tomorrow, which shouldn't be too hard I guess.
Anyway, this year at school my schedule rundown is like this...
Early Bird Class (7:30 start) - Keyboarding (which is so easy I feel like sleeping in that class, but can't because I have to keep my fingers on the home row for an hour just typing jj ff kk ll ss ;; aa over and over and over...)
First Hour - Honors Advanced Placement US History (I LOVE this class already. My favorite teacher of all-time teaches it, and it's really a lot of fun, albeit boring. We're even going on our first "field trip" on Tuesday! Of course, we're going to do research... but still!

Second Hour - Honors English III (I really like this class too. Any class that lets me write a Muppet script for an assignment and watch a movie for the first three days of class is fine by me.)
Third Hour - Honors Physics (Like I said, my first test of the year is in this class tomorrow. It shouldn't be very hard, it's mostly review.)
Fourth Hour - Honors Algebra II (Math is my worst subject, and this class is super hard... I think this is what I'll struggle with the most.)
Fifth Hour - Ceramics (I just realized that clay and I do not mix well at all. I can't form pottery to save my life...)
Sixth Hour - Honors Spanish III (So, freshmen year I had the same teacher I do this year, sophmore year I get his wife, and this year I have him again. The bad part? Let's just say good teaching skills don't run in the family...)
So that's what my school days look like... long, boring, and lots of homework.