October 30 of this year, in a 2-disc SE.And speaking of the Beatles, when are they going to put Help! on DVD?
Ratatoulle is rated G and they say H-E-double hockey sticks a few times.On a further move off-subject stemming from this, I really don't buy into the whole ratings system anyway. Its antiquated, based on a questionable system of what is "moral" or "acceptable" and what isn't, which is determined by a small group of individuals that are held relatively unaccountable for their decisions. And from what I understand, Hollywood politics play a strong factor in influencing decisions as to how a movie will be rated. But, we gotta have ratings I guess, or Tipper Gore will start appearing on the news, and that is unacceptable.
I know you're a big lover of gore, Sarge, but I think the primary reason why Sleepy Hollow was rated R was because of the violence. I mean, some of those beheadings were quite graphic...at least at the time. The new Halloween is much more intense, as are the Hostel-type films, but in '99, Sleepy Hollow was noted by several critics for its gruesome sequences.Ratatoulle is rated G and they say H-E-double hockey sticks a few times.
Sleepy Hollow (even though its an older movie) is rated R cause there is a sex scene. I think it deserves a PG rating, honestly