Oh my gosh...
I have never seen Miss Piggy so beautifull, so in character, and so on voice since...MTI? Yeah, she was good in VMC too. But my word is she good here. She has the deeper quality to her voice that is often missing. She gets the laugh, the hair toss, the way she moves her lower body and her head follows, the laying her head against his chest, the karate move that works, the hand movements, the inflections, the smile, the upper-lip-bite, the...everything.
She talked about Gonzo's crush on her, which was amazing. She's taken anger management classes, and when Craig calls her fat...she doesn't even flinch. So that is how she has been able to ignore Kermit's snarky nature recently, she too has matured.
Most importantly...she is back to her diva-nature, upstageing Fergy the whole way, digging into him as much as he digs into her.
Craig himself...ahh, at last someone who knows how to treat the Muppets as people. He looks into her eyes when he talks with her, he asks sensible questions. He treats her, on the whole, as a person.
Eric...he is my new idol. (Eric Idle, get it?) He has obviously listened to our complaints on his earlier performances, and he has taken the time to learn everything about Miss Piggy. She has never glowed so brightly in recent years as she did on the Late, Late show last night.