FDR compaired to LBJ, Nixon, Both Bushes, Carter, Clinton and Regan... I'll take him anyday.
Anyway, I feel the fact he had the disease and lived to be 90 was an accomplishment. He coulda dies much sooner and much harsher. All I'm saying is you can respect him if you want, but idolizing ANY US president is dangerous. they are all flawed people, and their mistakes are to be learned from. I'm not saying we should say nasty stuff about him, but when people were saying they should put him on the dollar bill? OUCH!
IMO, there were only 4 true great presidents, and they've been immortalized in a certain national monument. And even then, they were pretty flawed people.
I will say, we are lucky, anyway. As bad as some of our leaders get, there are truely horrendous ones out there.