I'll throw this out there... Master Replicas ought to be ashamed of the photo representations of their products on their websites. Limited angles, poorly shot, and amazingly low resolution. THEN when you click to enlarge, you get a pop-up window of the image in exactly the same size. The only way to get a slightly larger image is through the slideshow function, which still doesn't do.
Their products depend on their details, accuracy, and looks, and all we get to base our orders off of are postage stamp sized 72dpi images with clearly some sort of re-touching (At least to add in the artificial backgrounds).
The silliest part of this, is when the fan photos come in, the products generally look stellar. They have nothing to hide, yet give the impression that they're hiding something.
Kermit hasn't sold through, but they're still using the less than stellar, microscopic photos of the prototype on their website. They give no indication of the beautiful packaging, the stand, etc.
It's 2007, you're selling toys that cost $400, pay someone to build you a nice photo gallery and learn how to upload decent resolution images.
I love you Master Replicas, and this is how I show it.