Dave Goelz originally worked with computers, that much I know.
I wrote a paper for my history of directing class on Jim Henson. I can't remember what exactly my thesis was, but it was something along the lines of how he took multiple mediums (theater, television and eventually film) and made them work together. Puppets were traditionally theater creatures, as was vaudeville, but Jim managed to combine mediums to create an entirely new one. I wrote this like over a year ago so it's kind of fuzzy but I know I talked about that. And somehow I wove the theme of dreams throughout his work... Dreams like "making millions of people happy," not teeth falling out and showing up for the assembly late and naked or anything.
Good luck with the paper. I've always felt it's easier to write a paper and much more rewarding when you're actually interested and invested in what your writing (someone should tell that to my Criminology teacher though. I currently have an A in a class I skip, pass notes during and write the papers in two hours the night before. But college, children, teaches one above all, how to do such things).