I just saw Spidey 3 last night. I'm not a comic book kid and I came to the first movie way back when just because everyone was talking about it and I figured I had to see it. I liked it, but wasn't that thrilled. Then a group of friends dragged me to see Spider-Man 2 opening weekend and OMG, I
LOVED it! Obviously it was a phenomenal movie, but I was just
floored by how good it was. So anyway, I was really looking forward to seeing SM3 and I had made plans to see it with my sister when I came home post-graduation this weekend, but she cancelled on me (booo Caitlin) and so I called up my cousin Brian and we went out to the mall and movie last night.
I enjoyed it, but let me say... Well, let's start with the good parts: I loved Peter dealing with his dark side, especially the scene when he was fighting Harry. Speaking of which, I LOVED Harry and all his development and--
I was really,
really devestated when he died. Terribly. He was the most captivating actor in the entire movie and the 4th one that they're talking about now will really be lacking something major without him.
I thought Topher Grace did a great job being a jerk. He's always the good, cutesy guy, and I just really disliked him for the first half of the movie, and was psyched when Peter revealed his cheat. But when he saw Gwen and Peter on the way to the jazz club and his face just looked so sad... My heart went out for him. And I liked Gwen, which I didn't think I would, because Bryce Dallas Howard just... annoys me. But I really liked her and she looked stunning!
And the fight scenes. Awes.
Things I didn't like:
- The dance sequence. *shudder*
- Peter happy. It was boring. It's no wonder that movies/TVs keep the couples apart--it really is just wicked boring when they're happy. I prolly rolled my eyes 30 times at the screen for the first idk hour when Peter was walking around in La La Land.
- Mary Jane. I don't know if it's Kirsten Dunst or MJ herself, but I just can't like this chic. Throughout every single movie, she's my biggest problem. I really didn't care for her at. All. I was totally rooting for Peter/Gwen.
- The dance sequence.
- MJ's Broadway show. What was that? Is she on Broadway in the year 1920? Was that a Gershwin show? It was wrong, wrong, WRONG! And if Kirsten Dunst wasn't Kirsten Dunst, her voice would never get her to a jazz club, let along Broadway. Thin? Very. Annoying? Even more.
- The break up scene on the bridge. *Rolls eyes*
- The dance sequence.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie. And contrary to what critics were saying, I never had any problem following the story line. The individual villians definitely weren't given enough time on screen because there were three of them (potentially four if you separate Venom from Eddie Brock), but I was entertained and, like I said, the fight scenes were phenomenal. I jumped out of my seat a few good times and gasped aloud even more.
So yeah. There are my thoughts.